Color System and Color Codes COLOR SYSTEM ELECTRIC GREEN (SPOT) - CMYK : No equivalent Pantone : 3507 C Colors are Color plays an important role in the Callidus RGB : R174 G208 B000 Companies corporate identity program. A palette Lab : L78.63 a-27.85 b83.10 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % of primary colors has been developed, and each Web : #AED000 This color should be printed using only Pantone 3507 C for best results. brand or company under the Callidus Companies paramount for umbrella has it’s own identifying color. CONSTRUCTION RED CMYK : C000 M095 Y100 K000 Consistent use of these colors will contribute to Pantone : 485 CP the cohesive and harmonious look of the Callidus RGB : R221 G060 B039 Callidus Companies Companies brand identity across all relevant media Lab : L52.25 a64.93 b51.4 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % and companies. Check with your designer or Web : #DD3C27 printer when using the corporate colors to ensure they will be always be consistent. AIR BLUE brand recognition� CMYK : C100 M035 Y000 K000 Pantone : 3005 CP RGB : R000 G125 B192 Lab : L47.09 a-21.01 b-47.96 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % Web : #007DC0 INNOVATION PURPLE Explanation: CMYK : C035 M100 Y000 K000 Callidus Companies has four o昀케cial colors: Pantone : 2415 CP Electric Green, Construction Red, Air Blue, RGB : R161 G031 B127 Color and Innovation Purple. These colors are a Lab : L39.23 a58.88 b-20.16 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % recognizable identi昀椀er for each company Web : #A11F7F under the Callidus corporate umbrella. DARK GREEN CMYK : C087 M031 Y069 K086 Usage: Pantone : 5535 CP Use them as the dominant color palette for RGB : R019 G052 B043 all internal and external visual presentations Lab : L18.86 a-14.23 b1.41 System of each company. Web : #13342B 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % 14 // 18 15 // 18
Callidus Companies Brand Playbook February 2024 Page 7 Page 9