86 LYMINGTON HARBOUR berths for smaller boats up to 8m in length on the inside of the Harbour Master’s Pontoon. Both pontoons are located adjacent to the Royal Lymington Yacht Club, Lymington Town Sailing Club and the Mayflower Inn. During the winter season, visitor berth numbers are limited. Free washrooms and showers are provided adjacent to the visitors’ moorings on the Town Quay. Visitors to the Dan Bran pontoon can use the washroom and shower facilities at the adjacent Lymington Town Sailing Club. Three scrubbing grids are available immediately north of the Royal Lymington Yacht Club. Reservations and payment must be made through the Harbour office first. There is a public slipway from the Bath Road car park; a charge is made for launching which must be paid in advance. Please pay using the QR code displayed on the slipway, via the Lymington Harbour website, or at the nearby Harbour Office. Public pontoons for landing can be found at the Town Quay and off the car park in Bath Road. Boats must not be left unattended in the yellow hatched emergency area on the Harbour Master pontoon. Contact: Lymington Harbour Commissioners, Harbour Office, Bath Road, Lymington SO41 3SE. Tel: 01590 672014. VHF Ch. 66 (office hours). Contact Lymington Harbour on VHF Ch. 66 (office hours) for details of visitor berth availability and to confirm mooring arrangements. Lymington Yacht Haven is the first marina that comes into sight as you make your way up the Lymington River. The Yacht Haven offers 24/7 service, on-the-water fuel, luxury showers, complimentary Wi- Fi, and a stunning bar and restaurant with panoramic views across the Solent to the Isle of Wight. Lymington Yacht Haven boasts a comprehensive range of marine services on-site, including full hoists and wash off facilities, engine servicing and repairs, rigging specialists, and a well-stocked chandlery. Out-of-hours haul outs are available in emergencies. Contact: Lymington Yacht Haven, Kings Saltern Road, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 3QD. Tel: 01590 677071. LYMINGTON HARBOUR Lymington Harbour Commissioners
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