85 LYMINGTON HARBOUR LYMINGTON HARBOUR Haven marinas, Dan Bran visitors’ pontoon, the Harbour Master’s pontoon and the Harbour Office, public slipway, the 2 yacht clubs and Berthon Lymington Marina which faces the ferry terminal on the opposite bank. Above the ferry terminal the channel narrows and turns to port between 2 lines of piles forming moorings. This part of the channel has a maintained depth of 1.7m below chart datum up to the Town Quay where there is a walk ashore visitor pontoon and fore and aft moorings for visiting craft, both just 2-minutes’ walk from the Town Centre. Lymington Harbour Commission Visitor Berths & Facilities The Town Quay pontoon has 46 walk ashore berths (for boats up to 12m) with power, water and free Wi-Fi. Berths include 26 finger berths and 20 alongside / rafted berths for boats up to 12m. During the summer season the majority of berths can be booked in advance through the Harbour office or online. A small number of rafting berths are available on a first come first served basis. Fore and aft buoys are also available on a first come, first served basis. The Dan Bran pontoon is a separate bookable visitor walk ashore pontoon that can accommodate boats up to 26m. The pontoon has electricity, water and free Wi-Fi and can accommodate rallies of up to 50 (10m) boats moored together. There are also 6 bookable Find out more: [email protected] 01590 672014 Let’s get social Charming Harbour with First Class Mooring Facilities A Great Lunchtime Stop BERTH, MEET & EAT Only a step away... Beautiful Georgian Town New Forest Activities Fantastic Dining Experiences Things To See & Do
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