Contents Nutrition & Policy Dope or Nope? The Contentious History of Performance-Enhancing Drugs 3਀㼀 in Sport猀਀ 3㜀਀ Celsius Energy Drinks to Enhance Athletic Performanc攀਀ 3਀䌀 Advancing Women's Sports Medicine: Overcoming Challenges for a Holistic Approach to Athletic Healt栀਀ 4㄀਀ Cannabis Regulation in Sport猀਀ 43 No Athlete Left Behind: Addressing the Inadequate Healthcare for College Athletes Novel Technologies 4਀㼀 Liquid Shock Absorbers: Innovative Protection from the Perennial Risk of Brain Trauma within American Footbal氀਀ 4਀䄀 Video Games & Lower Back Pain: A Novel Approach to Connect Youth Athletes With Physiotherap礀਀ 4਀䌀 Novel Mouthguard Sensors and Their Role in Better Understanding Head Injur礀਀ Wearable AI Coaches: Your New Right-Hand Ma渀਀ 5㄀਀ Heat Maps for Health: Medical Infrared Thermography 53

Penn Healthcare Review Fall 2023 Journal— Sports Medicine - Page 5 Penn Healthcare Review Fall 2023 Journal— Sports Medicine Page 4 Page 6