Contents Featured Interview with Dr. John Kelly IV, M䐀਀ ㄀਀ Featured Interview with Dr. Pravesh Gadjradj, MD, PhD, MSc 3 Rehabilitation & Recovery Unraveling the Enigma: Phantom Limb Pain in Under Researched ਀㼀 Population猀਀ The Silent Menace of CT䔀਀ 㜀਀ Ruptured Dreams: How Tissue Engineering Can Improve Recovery from ਀䌀 Tendo渀਀ In the Minds of Penn’s Student Athletes: Mental Health in Sports Medicin攀਀ 1㄀਀ Advancements in Recovery Technology: The Rise of Virtual Reality 13 Rehabilitation Programs Neurosurgery & Neurology Running the Race with Parkinson's Disease: The Impact of Parkinson's 1਀㼀 Disease on the Sports Worl搀਀ 1㜀਀ American Football Kills — and That’s Norma氀਀ 1਀䌀 Solutions Stem From Everywhere: Exploring Stem Cell Based Therapies to Address Traumatic Brain Injurie猀਀ 2㄀਀ Knocking Out Parkinson's: A New Hope in Boxing Therap礀਀ 23 The Gruesome Road to Recovery: A Review of Athletic Spinal Cord Injuries Orthopaedic Surgery Three-Dimensional Printing in Orthopaedic Surger礀਀ 2㔀਀ Quality Over Quantity: The Archetype of a Modern Pitche爀਀ 2㜀਀ Innovations in Minimally Invasive Orthopaedic Surgery Technique猀਀ 2㤀਀ The Cutting Edge: Bio-inductive Tissue Engineering in ACL Repai爀਀ 3㄀਀ Hyaluronic Acid: A New Potential Remedy to Achilies Tendinopathies 33

Penn Healthcare Review Fall 2023 Journal— Sports Medicine - Page 4 Penn Healthcare Review Fall 2023 Journal— Sports Medicine Page 3 Page 5