Running the Race with Parkinson's Disease The Impact . of Parkinson's Disease on the Sports Worl搀਀ arkinson’s disease (PD) is a common neurodegenⴀ਀ erative disease affecting more than 10 million people ਀ globally. Associated with alpha-synuclein pathology ਀ P and Lewy body accumulation, PD causes damage of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and basal ganglia, leading to motor and nonmotor symptoms. This was 昀椀rst discovered by Spillantini et al. in 1997 (Figure 1).਀ꨀ In the sports world, where precision and agility are paramount, the motor symptoms of PD, such as bradykinesia and constant tremors, pose unique challenges. Athletes grappling with these symptoms 昀椀nd performing day-to-day tasks a demanding feat. Additionally, non-motor symptoms, including depression and anxiety, further impact an athlete's mental resilience and overall quality of life. Approximately 90,000 individuals are diagnosed with PD yearly. This demographic includes globally recognized athletes like Muhammad Ali and Davis Phinney㠀᐀ Fig 1. by Los Angeles Times Written by Jaskeerat Gujral Edited by Amarachi Mbadugha Designed by Isha Bhandaru

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