fatigue, and masked face਀㠀 Before his of昀椀cial diagnosis, physicians debated whether Ali had PD or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), a common condition in boxers due to repetitive hits to the head and skull. An 昀氀uorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) scan, however, revealed progressive bilateral striatal hyperactivity and low striatal uptake, tell-tale characteristics of PD. Degeneration of this Figure 1. Image above shows the pathology of PD; a- region of the brain is common in those with PD Synuclein positive Lewy Body in the nerve cell of the Substantia Nigra⸀਀ due to neuronal cell death of dopaminergic neurons. Results of such tests suggested that Davis Phinney was a prominent cyclist who Muhammad Ali may have had idiopathic young- had 328 victories in his professional career, onset PD. As a result of Ali’s case, there has setting the U.S. national record. He is also an been an increase in awareness of protective Olympic bronze medalist and a Tour de France gear usage when participating in sports, such stage winner. Over the course of his career, as boxing, to prevent debilitating injuries.਀ꨀ Phinney gradually developed health symptoms, such as constant fatigue with In the face of PD, these remarkable athletes episodes of numbness and weakness. In 2002, have both grappled with their personal Phinney was diagnosed with PD, prompting challenges and courageously wielded their him to retire from racing and found the Davis in昀氀uence to champion increased awareness. Phinney Foundation, a national organization Yet, their efforts remain just the tip of the dedicated to raising awareness and funding iceberg in a broader mission for heightened research for PD. Every year, the Davis Phinney visibility surrounding this condition. As we Foundation serves approximately 1.5 million stand at the intersection of groundbreaking impacted individuals. Phinney also aims to research and cutting-edge technologies, the improve the lives of those who suffer from PD prospect of a cure for PD becomes more by promoting exercise. Exercise and physical tangible. The race towards a future free from activity have proven to be advantageous for PD is propelled by advocacy, innovation, and patients with PD. They are cost-effective and the unwavering hope that scienti昀椀c endeavors promising interventions that improve both will unlock the doors to a brighter, healthier motor and non-motor symptoms. One study tomorrow.ꀀ਀ found that individuals with PD who engaged in regular exercise reported notable enhancements in both motor function and cognition. Additionally, a separate study Fig 2. b revealed that participants in a 24-week tango y Wikipedia class exhibited signi昀椀cant improvements in overall cognitive function, as assessed by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment਀㠀 Muhammad Ali, commonly referred to as the greatest boxer of all time, was another athlete who famously suffered from PD. Muhammad Ali exhibited signs of PD towards the end of his career. Notably, he had a left-arm rest tremor, which was publically seen as he raised the torch at the 1996 Olympics. Ali’s disease onset, starting in his late 30s to age 74, ਀ was progressive – he gradually ਀ developed the characteristi挀਀ symptoms: bradykinesia,⨀᐀ 16

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