Islington Council was considering a radical plan to create a series of devolved neighbourhood proposed several neighbourhood councils forums. ICSS was engaged to trial one in and Islington Council of Social Service set one Mildmay. The first community worker was of them up. A review of local charities was employed. One of the first issues brought up undertaken; as a result, Islington Relief in Need was the lack of community facilities and an was established. The Islington Old People’s empty factory was identified as a potential Welfare Council was re-launched as Age focus for community activities, resulting in Concern and a handbook jointly produced. 1975 with the Factory’ Community Centre and separately the Blackstock Road Advice Centre. In February 1973 the first community worker was employed, working in the Mildmay ward. In 1975 the Factory Community Centre opened with a mother and toddler group, a youth club, and a language club. The Blackstock Advice Centre was also set up. On 1st April 1975 the inaugural meeting of the Islington Disablement Association was held and after various changes still continues as Disability Action in Islington.” In 1976 a new project organised a survey of disability access to public buildings such as the Odeon Cinema and Town Hall, which continued for several years. Projects like these were run by ICSS itself, though a number were later given independence after this period of incubation. Celebrating 50 Years of Service 13