Our Early Work - 1971-75 there were just three community associations in ‘Voluntary organisations Mildmay. By 1975 with ICSS encouragement a working in partnership with further nine groups had formed. One of the first a progressive authority can issues brought up was the lack of community achieve changes of truly impressive facilities and an empty factory was identified dimensions. as a potential focus for community activities, resulting in 1975 with the ’Factory’ Community ICSS chair John Ward Centre and separately the Blackstock in Annual Report 1976-77 Advice Centre. ICSS launched a regular newsletter, contributed to public plans including ILEA At the request of the Charity Commission, ICSS secondary school reorganisation and promoted brokered discussion to merge and form new recognition and standards for childminders. organisations in the field of charitable sickness relief, older people (now Age UK Islington) and In 1976 a new project organised a survey of disability (now (Disability Action Islington). disability access to public buildings such as the Odeon Cinema and Town Hall, which continued In 1973 professional staff at ICSS were put for several years. Projects like these were run on equivalent terms of employment to local by ICSS itself, though a number were later authority employees. Islington Council was given independence after this period considering a radical plan to create a series of incubation. of devolved neighbourhood forums. ICSS was engaged to trial one in Mildmay. The first community worker was employed. In 1972 14 Celebrating 50 Years of Service