Summary of the wider impact of this work with English as a second language. The We are delighted to report that from an initial flyers with the support of the Networks and investment of £30,000 to facilitate the creation organisations were distributed to libraries, of the Local Wellbeing Networks in the three community cafés and restaurants, as well as Locality Areas in Islington, the collaboration tube stations in the borough. between VAI and Octopus Community Network has, in the first year secured a Aligning the Hyperlocal Vaccination financial contribution of £141,132 to realise Programme to the development and delivery the potential of the project, forging new of these new networks has ensured targeted, relationships with the Peabody Trust, and with joined up working and in some cases first Public Health Islington. time collaborations between Healthwatch Islington, Diverse Communities Health Voices A successful funding application to North (DCHV), Octopus Community Network, Central London Commissioning Group led by Islington Faiths Forum, Islington Refugee VAI and supported by Public Health Islington and Migrant Forum, Age UK Islington and enabled us to adopt a more localised and Manor Gardens Welfare Trust. The Octopus community approach in the roll out of the Community Network have also been able to vaccination programme in wards with the create paid employment for three Community lowest take up of the vaccination with key Organisers who have been trained through partners supporting this work including the programme and who are now co- the Islington Refugee and Migrant Forum, designing and co-delivering community- Islington Faiths Forum, Healthwatch Islington, based health and wellbeing outreach activities and the Octopus Community Network. This in collaboration with three of Islington’s partnership helped to shape and deliver the Community Hubs - St Lukes Community response using a range of communication Centre, Holloway Neighbourhood Group and tools including flyers translated in the 7 most the Light Project International, along with pop spoken languages in the borough: Arabic, up events at Mildmay Community Centre and Bengali, Polish, Somali, Spanish, Tigrinya, Brickworks, for example. and Urdu, thus helping to reach residents 24 Annual and Impact Report 21/22