Borough-wide (on-line) Health and Wellbeing Network With a view to ensuring inclusivity and widening participation around the theme of health and the LWN, in February 22, with funding from Public Health, we created the borough-wide Health and Wellbeing Network, to support further the engagement of VCFS in the COVID-19 vaccination programme, especially at a hyperlocal level, and to respond to the growing need for clear communications between the VCFS and across sectors especially in the area of mental health support services for residents. We are grateful to Public Health Islington for providing funding for this Network. Going forward, in the Year 2 Delivery Plan, we propose that this Network is developed to become the meeting point and collective voice for all 3 Local Wellbeing Networks and be recognised as a means for Islington Council, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, the Integrated Care Board, and others concerned with health and wellbeing commissioning, to engage in co-production and co-delivery with the and local residents. Annual and Impact Report 21/22 25