LUMAX 2023_23March

CONTENTS INSPIRATION KNOW YOUR LEADER GUESTS AT LUMAX EVENTS AWARDS & RECOGNITION TRAININGS EVALUATIONS CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BEYOND WORK NANHI CHAAN CONTENTS EDITORIAL TEAM: Ms Priyanka Sharma | Ms Himani Joshi | Ms Manpreet Kaur | Mr Rahul Choudhury SUPPORTED BY: Mr Gaurav Yadav | Mr Manish Arora | Mr Bajirao Khandekar | Ms Shital Chute | Mr Santhosh Bangera | Ms Rina Pandey | Mr Neeraj Saini | Ms Renu Sharma | Mr Himanshu Sharma | Mr Mohit Sehgal | Mr Sumit Tiwari | Mr Abhishek Jain | Mr Pratyush Gupta | Mr Sachin Kumar | Ms Arundhati Routray | Mr Suraj Kumar | Mr Manmohan Singh | Mr Ashish Nainwal | Ms Sonal Solanki | Mr Narendra Verma | Mr Gurvachan Singh
INSPIRATION inorganic opportunities and our desire is coming to fruition. With hope in our hearts and a determined spirit, we embark on a new journey for 2023, revisiting our business goals and keeping the fundamental theme of ‘Go Deeper’. We must re-dedicate ourselves to: Quality - We must aspire for quality across all our verticals and processes by achieving zero defect. This will take us closer to become the preferred supplier to all our customers. Manufacturing Excellence - Relentless pursuit to achieve excellence every single day. TPM is a very strong tool in this pursuit. One Lumax - Creating a united force to reckon with in the Indian Auto Industry I hope the year 2023 is a wonderful and healthy New Year for all of us. Our Culture and Value System - Practicing Lumax value of RIPE in letter and spirit amongst I thank each and every member of the all employees and all stakeholders is the key. Lumax family for their dedication, commitment and sincerity. It is an honour to So, let’s Unlock our Potential on all fronts, be a part of this great self-motivated team whether it is Financial Performance, Business that has been attaining remarkable feat over Direction, Developing Human Capital, the years. Establishing Engineering Prowess and Building Stronger Partnerships. Let us ‘Go Deeper’ and The year 2022 was truly remarkable it connect with our customers, our suppliers, our showed us all-time highs with respect to our teams and realize our full potential by stretching targets for Lumax Auto Technologies and ourselves by being Future Ready and going from expansion of our global footprint by setting Good to Great! up the Czech Technical Centre and start of production at the electronic plant in Bawal As Individuals, we perhaps have the best in the and ground breaking of a new plant in industry, together as a team we have the strength Chakan at Lumax Industries Limited. to become the Game changers in our industry. Awards and recognition have always My best wishes to you and your family for a encouraged us to push ourselves so that we fabulous 2023 please thank them on my behalf can serve our esteemed customers better. for the Great continuing support. We won many awards in 2022 at ICQC, from Customer and for Quality and Innovation. The year 2023 is expected to be a historic DK Jain year for us. We are close to looking at Chairman
रणाे ह और अपने संपूण Ãवसाय को पुन: से ÃवÇÈत कर रहे ह। हम 'गो डीपर' क’ थीम पर ®ान क¡ िÉत कर रहे ह। हम¡ …नÊ न लËखत को ाÌ त करने के लए Í वयं को पुन: समÎपत करना होगा: गुणवा - हम¡ दोष शूŠ बन कर अपने सभी ÃावसाÏयक ं ं अनुभागो और िÐयाओ म¡ उ¼तम गुणव¿ा का ल© रखना ं चािहए। इससे हम अपने सभी »ाहको के पसंदीदा आपूÎतकता बन सक¡गे। वनमाण उृता - हम¡ ेक िदन उÒृÔता ाž करने के लए …नरंतर यास करना चािहए। इसके लए टीपीएम एक बÕत मजबत औज़ार हैू । वन मू ै - हमारी एकता के मा®म से, हम¡ भारतीय ऑटो मुझ आशा हैे िक वष 2023 हम सभी के लए एक अत और उ×ोग म¡ एक मज़बत ताकत बनना ू चािहए। ु ापूण नया साल है। ं हमारी संृत और म णालीू - टीम के सभी सद‚ो और ं म ूमै प रवार के ेक सद‚ को उनके समपण, िहतधारको के लए हमारी कं पनी के RIPE के मू को हर …तब‡ता और ईमानदारी के लए धŠवाद देता ‹ं। यह मेरा सं भव तरीके से आØसात करना महÙपूण है। सौभा‘ है क’ म इस टीम का िह•ा ‹ँ जो वष˜ से उ™ेखनीय आइए हम सभी मोच˜ पर अपनी Úमता को सामने लाएं, चाहे वह उपल›œया ाž कर रहँ ी है। …व¿ीय दशन हो, ÃावसाÏयक िदशा हो, मानव पूंजी …वकÁसत ं वष 2022 वाŸव म¡ उ™ेखनीय था। इस वष ने हम¡ अपनी कुछ करना हो, इंजी…नय रग कौशल Èा…पत करना हो या मजबत ू सबसे बड़ी उपल›œया िदखा¥, जैसँ े ूमै ऑटो टे§ोलॉजीज साझदारी बनाना हे ो। हम¡ 'गो डीपर' के दशन को िÐयाÛÏयत ं ं ं क’ ल© पूतª, चेक टे…§कल स¡टर के उ¬ाटन के मा®म से करना चािहए और अपने »ाहको, आपूÎतकताओ और टीमो के वै¯°क बाजार म¡ …वŸार, बावल म¡ इले±ॉ…नक ² सं यं ³ म¡ उ´ादन साथ संबंध और ध…नÔ बनाना चािहए। आइए हम भ…वÜ के क’ शुµआत और चाकन म¡ मै इू ंड·ीज ल¸मट² ेड के नए लए अपनी पूरी Ýमता के साथ ‘अßे से महान’ क’ ओर ं ं सं यं ³ क’ भू¸म-पूजा। अ»सर हो! हमारी टीमो म¡ उ×ोग क’ सवÝेá मानव …तभा है और साथ म¡ ¸मलकर, हमारे पास अपने उ×ोग को सकाराØक ं Âप से बदलने क’ Úमता है। पुर¹ार और माŠता हम¡ हमेशा अपने सºा…नत »ाहको को उ¼Ÿरीय सेवा देने के लए रत े िकया है। वष 2022 म¡, हमने आपको और आपके प रवार को शानदार 2023 के लए मेरी ं आई सी ½ू सी से तथा अपने »ाहको से अपनी गुणव¿ा और हाâदक शुभकामनाएं। कृपया मेरी ओर से उनके …नरंतर समथन नववतन के लए कई पुर¹ार ाž िकये। के लए उã¡ धŠवाद द¡। हम 2023 को अपने लए एक ऐ…तहाÁसक वष के Âप म¡ देख रहे डी.के जैन ह। हम अजै…वक Ãवसाय …वकास क’ िदशा म¡ देख रहे ह और अ®Ú अब हम¡ इसके ग…तशील प रणाम िदख रहे ह। आशा और Äढ़ सं कÆ के साथ, हम इस वष के लए एक नई या³ा शु कर रहे
KNOW YOUR LEADER We are aligned to the Nation's Net Zero Goal. We are working on having third party audits to further reduce our energy footprint for a sustainable development. We are also focusing on green energy as well. A TÊTE-À-TÊTE with Mr Himanshu Sharma Sr. GM & Group Head - Safety, TPM, Energy, QCC, LCIA & ESG
GUESTS AT LUMAX Honda Cars India Mr Karthik Thakral, Deputy Manager from Honda Cars India Pvt. Ltd. visited Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal in September 2022 to to examine the operations, interact with the teams and assess possible opportunities for future business. Maruti Suzuki India Mr Hunny Gaba, Senior Manager from Maruti Suzuki India – Maruti Centre For Excellence (MPS) visited Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal in October 2022. Taking a tour of the plant, he appreciated the setup.
inorganic opportunities and our desire is coming to fruition. With hope in our hearts and a determined spirit, we embark on a new journey for 2023, revisiting our business goals and keeping the fundamental theme of ‘Go Deeper’. We must re-dedicate ourselves to: Quality - We must aspire for quality across all our verticals and processes by achieving zero defect. This will take us closer to become the preferred supplier to all our customers. Manufacturing Excellence - Relentless pursuit to achieve excellence every single day. TPM is a very strong tool in this pursuit. One Lumax - Creating a united force to reckon with in the Indian Auto Industry I hope the year 2023 is a wonderful and healthy New Year for all of us. Our Culture and Value System - Practicing Lumax value of RIPE in letter and spirit amongst I thank each and every member of the all employees and all stakeholders is the key. Lumax family for their dedication, commitment and sincerity. It is an honour to So, let’s Unlock our Potential on all fronts, be a part of this great self-motivated team whether it is Financial Performance, Business that has been attaining remarkable feat over Direction, Developing Human Capital, the years. Establishing Engineering Prowess and Building Stronger Partnerships. Let us ‘Go Deeper’ and The year 2022 was truly remarkable it connect with our customers, our suppliers, our showed us all-time highs with respect to our teams and realize our full potential by stretching targets for Lumax Auto Technologies and ourselves by being Future Ready and going from expansion of our global footprint by setting Good to Great! up the Czech Technical Centre and start of production at the electronic plant in Bawal As Individuals, we perhaps have the best in the and ground breaking of a new plant in industry, together as a team we have the strength Chakan at Lumax Industries Limited. to become the Game changers in our industry. Awards and recognition have always My best wishes to you and your family for a encouraged us to push ourselves so that we fabulous 2023 please thank them on my behalf can serve our esteemed customers better. for the Great continuing support. We won many awards in 2022 at ICQC, from Customer and for Quality and Innovation. The year 2023 is expected to be a historic year for us. We are close to looking at GUESTS AT LUMAX Tata Motors Mr Ramkrishna Bhat, Sr GM (AQ, CQ & SCM Head) and Team from Tata Motors - Passenger Vehicles Division visited Lumax Cornaglia Auto Technologies Pvt Ltd, Pune in December 2022 for inauguration of new generation assembly line and kick off ceremony of Kayakalp - a process to ensure zero defect and improved quality of emission products.
GUESTS AT LUMAX Bajaj Auto Mr Navneet Kumar, New Product Development Manager - Polymer (Purchase Dept) from Bajaj Auto visited Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Pantnagar in November 2022 to discuss business and strengthen the relationship. Suzuki Motorcycle India Mr Masahiro Nishikawa, Director, Mr Vineet Mishra Vice President – Purchase, Mr M. Shimamura, Sr Advisor – Purchase, Mr F. Takahashi, Advisor – Purchase and Mr Anuj Nayal, Manager – Purchase visited Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal – Electronics Division in December 2022. They keenly discussed and explored new business opportunities.
GUESTS AT LUMAX PSA Mr C Muthuselvakumar, Senior Engineer - Supplier Quality and Mr Jawahar Wilson David, Senior Manager - Materials Engineering from PSA visited Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Pantnagar in November 2022 to view the plant and discuss possible opportunities for future business. Industrial Visit of Student from JIMS – Rohini - Delhi Industrial Visit of Students from JIMS, Rohini – Delhi was held in November 2022 at Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal. Such visits are memorable experiences for the students as they get first hand experience of the manufacturing operations.
GUESTS AT LUMAX CII A Team from CII visited Lumax Industries Limited, Bengaluru in November 2022 to oversee the Best TPM Practices in the plant. Government Polytechnic College of Pantnagar Students from Government Polytechnic College of Pantnagar visited Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Pantnagar for an industrial visit to have a first hand experience of the automotive components manufacturing processes in November 2022.
GUESTS AT LUMAX Roechling Automotive Mr Raphael Wolfram, CEO & CFO, Mr Andrea Rocca, Executive VP – Europe South and Mr Radhakrishnan Balasubramanian, Director Sales & Operations India visited Lumax-DK Jain Group in November 2022 to discuss future collaborations. They also visited Lumax Industries Limited – Bawal and Lumax Industries Limited – Electronics Division, Bawal to examine the operations, interact with the teams and assess possible opportunities for future business.
EVENTS Ground Breaking Ceremony The Bhoomi Poojan & Ground Breaking Ceremony of a new Greenfield Plant of Lumax Industries Limited at Chakan, Pune, Maharashtra was held in December 2022. The approximate capital outlay of the project is Rs 175 crores with peak revenues for the investment to be around Rs 600 crores. The phase 1 of the project is scheduled to be commissioned by Q2FY24.
EVENTS Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Super LMC “If you don’t know where you’ve come from, you don’t know where you’re going.” ~Maya Angelou Team Lumax Auto Technologies Limited met for year end review of operations, discussions and deliberations for future roadmap for all the JVs and subsidiaries in December 2023. From evaluation of goals & budgets, achievements, growth, obstacles, impediments and future ahead, to new advanced technology, were all discussed at the meet themed ‘Stretching Before the Leap’. Lumax Auto Technologies has been growing at a rapid pace with historic highs in terms of revenues in the last financial year and the first half of the current financial year. The meet created synergy among the cross functional teams promoting robust discussions and brainstorming to achieve desired results in the coming years.
EVENTS Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Super LMC
EVENTS Technology Show at Hero MotoCorp In our series of showcasing our technological prowess and new developments, Lumax Industries Limited recently organised a Technology show at Hero MotoCorp (CIT), Jaipur in November 2022. A slew of futuristic and advanced automotive lighting solutions were on display.
EVENTS ACMA India-Taiwan Matchmaking - EV Expo Lumax-DK Jain Group participated in the ACMA India-Taiwan Matchmaking - EV Expo co-organised by Taiwan's Institute for Information Industry in Taipei, Taiwan in December 2022. Attended by more than 50 Taiwanese suppliers, the Lumax team members and ACMA delegates met apex members of TEEMA (Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) for discussions on various opportunities and synergies. The Lumax team also visited suppliers like Delta Electronics, Master Transportation Bus Manufacturing Ltd, etc.
EVENTS CMD’s Interaction with Lighting Team at Bengaluru CMD Mr Deepak Jain visited Lumax Industries Limited, Bengaluru in December 2022. He interacted with the team and appreciated the teamwork, congratulated for the growth of the plant and shared his best wishes to the automotive lighting team. QCC Competition – Lumax Industries - Haridwar An internal Quality Control Circle Competition was organised at Lumax Industries Limited, Haridwar in November 2022.
EVENTS Networking Session – HCI Suppliers Club Welcoming Mr Takuya Tsumura, who has taken charge of Honda Cars India Limited as the New President and CEO; Mr Anmol Jain, President - Honda Cars India Suppliers Club & MD - Lumax Auto Technologies Limited organised a networking session for the South & West Zone suppliers. Winners of QC & Kaizen competitions were also awarded during this session held at Chennai in October 2022.
EVENTS Quality Month Observing Quality Month in November 2022 across several plants of Lumax-DK Jain Group the teams took an oath to maintain quality in every aspect at their workplace, various Quality related competitions and programs were organised.
EVENTS Acceptance & Registration of Design Application Congratulations to the New Product Development - Aftermarket Division team for successful acceptance of the Design Registration application in December 2022 for ‘Head Lamp with Position Lamp’. This is the 4th Design Registration. Management Visit to Stanley Electric The Top Management of Lumax along with senior members visited our longstanding partner Stanley Electric Co., Japan. During their visit they interacted with Stanley Management Mr Yasuaki Kaizumi, Mr Toru Tanabe, Mr Keisuke Ueda, Mr Kazuki Takano and Mr Yoshitsugu Matsushita, discussing further opportunities to strengthen relationshsip.
EVENTS Mr Anmol Jain, Joint MD - Lumax Industries Spoke to BQ Prime on Greenfield Expansion in Pune Mr Anmol Jain, Joint MD - Lumax Industries Spoke to Neeraj Bajpai, CNBC Awaaz
EVENTS Mass Communication Meets Mass Communication Meets were held at Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal in October – December 2023. These meets are held for sharing information related to plant performance and operations to the employees and discuss the problems and challenges faced by them. Operations Review Meet Operations Review Meet was held in November 2022 at Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal.
EVENTS ACMA Mechanics Exhibition Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Aftermarket Division participated at the ACMA Mechanics Exhibition held in Uttar Pradesh in October 2022. Auto Fair Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Aftermarket Division participated in a Auto Fair organised by Autoware in Uttar Pradesh in November 2022 exhibiting the wide range of aftermarket products.
EVENTS Mechanics Meet Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Aftermarket Division participated at a Mechanics Meet held in Tamil Nadu in November to create awareness about the wide range of aftermarket products amongst Mechanics. Product Promotion Campaign – Aftermarket Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Aftermarket Division engaged in product promotion campaigns at Retailer Stores in Odisha, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, Haryana, Assam, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu in October – December 2022. The promotional campaign include visiting the retailers and sharing product details through product awareness camps, retailer branding, roadshows and campaigns etc.
EVENTS Product Promotion Campaign – Aftermarket
AWARDS BAVA Convention Awards Lumax-DK Jain Group bagged 3 Awards at the BAVA Convention organized by Bajaj Auto Limited in November, 2022. Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Waluj plant bagged the Platinum Award and Gold Consistency Award. Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Pune plant bagged the Gold Consistency Award. Jagdish Khattar Award for Excellence in Leadership Mr Deepak Jain, CMD – Lumax Industries Limited was conferred the Jagdish Khattar Award for Excellence in Leadership by SAEIndia in October 2022. “I would Like to thank SAEIndia for bestowing me the Jagdish Khattar Award for Excellence in Leadership. I am honoured and humbled to receive it. I have always believed the Indian automotive industry to be my extended family and friends who have been always supporting me in my endeavours. I am also thankful for the opportunity that I have got to interact with so many businessmen, engineers, creators, designers, suppliers, customers, investors, authorities and policy makers in such a short span of time. And I believe together we can explore endless possibilities.” - Mr Deepak Jain
AWARDS ICQCC 2022 - Making us Proud Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Waluj won the Prime Gold Award (the highest award in the competition) and Lumax Industries Limited, Chinchwad won the Gold Award at the ICQCC 2022 at Jakarta, Indonesia in November 2022. This is the fifth consecutive time that teams representing Lumax-DK Jain Group and India have made us all proud with their tremendous efforts.
AWARDS NCQC - 2022 Lumax-DK Jain Group bagged 7 awards at the NCQC-22 in December 2022. Team Vikrant from Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Aurangabad for bagging the Par Excellence Award. Team Bhawna from Lumax Industries Limited - Dharuhera for bagging the Excellent Award. Team Akash from Lumax Auto Technologies Limited - Pantnagar for bagging the Excellent Award. Team Achievers from Lumax Ancillary Limited - Pune for bagging the Excellent Award. Team Warriors from Lumax Cornaglia Auto Technologies Pvt Ltd, Pune for bagging the Distinguished Award. Team Glory from Lumax Industries Limited - Electronics Division for bagging the Distinguish Award. Team Jupiter from Lumax Auto Technologies Limited - Pune for bagging the Distinguish Award.
AWARDS NCQC - 2022 RCCQC Team Udaan and Team Pawan from Lumax Industries Limited, Pantnagar bagged two Gold Awards at the 8th RCCQC – 2022 held in October 2022 at Rudrapur.
AWARDS 14th Regional Kaizen Competition – ACMA (Southern Region) Mr Mahesh Mailarappanavar, Operating Engineer from Moulding Department at Lumax Industries Limited Bengaluru bagged the 2nd place in ACMA (Southern Region) 14th Regional Kaizen Competition held in December 2022 at Bengaluru. 13th Kaizen Competition - ACMA (WR) Team Jupiter from Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Chakan, Pune was runner up at the 13th Kaizen Competition in the Productivity category. The competition was organised by ACMA (Western Region) in December 2022.
AWARDS Conferment of Retailer Certificates Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Aftermarket Division conferred Certificates to Retailers in West Bengal in November 2022.
AWARDS Shabash Awards were distributed to employees at Lumax Industries Limited Bengaluru in October-December 2023.
AWARDS Monthly 5S Award Assembly Zone (Plant 1) and Stores Department (Plant 2) received the Monthly Best 5S Zone Awards at Lumax Industries Limited, Bengaluru for the month of December 2022.
AWARDS Supplier QCC Competition Team from Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Manesar became runner up at the Supplier QCC Competition held at Yazaki Bhiwadi Plant in November 2022. 5th HR Excellence Award 2022 Lumax Cornaglia Auto Technologies Pvt Ltd - Pune for bagging the HR Excellence Silver Award for Employee Engagement in Small Industry Category at the 5th HR Excellence Award 2022 organised by PNGI Forum in December 2022. Mr Anil Jadav from the HR Department received the Certificate of Participation.
AWARDS 5th HR Excellence Award 2022
TRAININGS TPM Training at Gurukul TPM Trainings were held at the Gurukul in Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal in September 2022.
TRAININGS Aftermarket Product Trainings Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Aftermarket Division organised product trainings for the channel partners in Maharashtra in November 2022 to create awareness about the wide range of aftermarket products and their USPs.
EVALUATIONS TISAX Certification Auditors Mr Nand Kumar Shammana and Mr Manoj Kulkarni from DNV conducted the TISAX Certification at Lumax Industries Limited, Chakan, Pune in December 2022. Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (TISAX) is an assessment and exchange mechanism for information security in the automotive industry. The TISAX certification confirms that a company’s information security management system complies with defined security levels and allows sharing of assessment results across a designated platform. IATF 16949:2016 Lumax Ancillary Limited, Pune successfully completed implementation of IATF 16949:2016 in October 2022. Lead Auditors Mr Manish Thakurdas and Mr Narendra Kundaram from DNV conducted the audit.
EVALUATIONS EMS Audit Lead Auditor Mr Rajender Kumar, from DNV GL conducted the EMS Audit at Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal in November 2022. Manufacturing Process Audit Product and process audit of a new assembly line was done at Lumax Industries Limited, Pantnagar by Mr Amit Kant Gautam, Deputy Manager – Sourcing from Mahindra and Mahindra in December, 2022.
EVALUATIONS TPM Review Mr Gopalkrishnan from CII conducted a TPM review at Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Chakan, Pune in November, 2022. IATF 16949:2016 IATF 16949:2016 system audit was conducted by Auditor Mr. Sandip Palve from DNV at Lumax Auto Technolo- gies Limited, Chakan, Pune in December 2022. The audit was conducted successfully and certificate was awarded for the same which is applicable for Design and Manufacture of Lighting Equipment.
CSR Deeply Committed Towards Betterment of Indian Society We at Lumax have been dedicated towards betterment of Indian Society through our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in Healthcare and Education for the past few years through our CSR arm Lumax Charitable Foundation. We believe that there is no bigger satisfaction than being an organisation, which is socially responsible. Aligning to SDGs in healthcare and education, we carried out our ongoing initiatives in the past quarter. Mentioned below are the glimpses of the same: Healthcare Eye Screening and Free Cataract Surgeries in Haryana We conducted 5 Eye Screening Camps and 84 Free Cataract Surgeries for marginalised communities with lack of accessibility to healthcare around our plants in Haryana. Total beneficiaries in these camps were 727. 727 Total Beneficiaries 84 Free Cataract Surguries 05 Eye Screening Camps
CSR Eye Screening and Free Cataract Surgeries in Haryana her husband does farming in an acre of land, while Drishti Hanifa takes care of house and cattle. She has a few customers who buy buffaloes’ milk from her which is just about managing to earn, spend, and Smt. Hanifa W/o Shri. Ataru live one day at a time. Till around six months back, Age: 57 yrs a cloud of darkness gradually started extinguishing the light of joy from their lives. Her eye sight started Gender - Female fading in the right eye, and worry and fear had Address: Gram Uttawar, Palwal, Haryana taken over her life. She spent sleepless nights Eye operated – Right Eye (PHACO+PCIOL) worrying about her husband and children. Hanifa had no education or awareness to realize all she Date of Surgery: 01-12-2022 had was a cataract. In the eye camp sponsored by Lumax Charitable Foundation, her Cataract was diagnosed by the ophthalmologist. Hanifa narrated the financial constraints to the counsellor and requested for the support, to which the councellor told her that she doesn’t have to pay anything as her treatment financial will be covered by Lumax Charitable Foundation, and there was a sign of relief on her face. She was brought to the base hospital of ICARE in the ambulance along with other cataract identified patients. There all her pre-operative examination was conducted. Next day (1st December, 2022) surgery for right eye was planned, green patch from the operated eye was removed next day early Fifty-seven years old Hanifa lives in Uttawar, Palwal morning, to check her restored eye sight and she in Haryana. She has four boys and three girls all was discharged after giving her post-operative care married except her youngest son who is yet to get instructions and medicines by the doctor. married. She could see again from the operated eye and got Hanifa and her husband lives a very simple life, her hope back to live life independently again and they have some farmland in which they grow crops, spend quality time with her family.
CSR Cancer Screening and Awareness Camps in Haryana Cancer might just be one of the most feared and dreaded diseases. Globally, cancer is responsible for the death of nearly 9.5 million people in 2018. It is the second leading cause of death as per the world health organization. As per studies, in India, we see 1300 deaths due to cancer every day. Types of cancer more Visible in Haryana (As per our Partners Evaluation) is Oral Cancer. Oral cancer most often occurs in people over the age of 40 and affects more than twice as many men as women. Most oral cancers are related to tobacco use, alcohol use (or both), or infection by the human papilloma virus (HPV). In the last quarter, 2 Cancer Detection Camps were held in Haryana in which 192 beneficiaries participated. Out of 192, no one was detected to have Cancer.
CSR Education Girl Child Education Lumax Charitable Foundation (LCF) continue its financial support on Girl Child education and encouraging young girls from underprivileged communities to complete their formal education and fulfil their dreams. Every Financial year LCF integrate girls into private schools to support their education. Life Skills Programmes With an objective to make students aware of their skills, abilities and areas of development, LCF organises Life Skill Sessions in Haryana, Maharashtra and Gujarat. It also helps adolescents to get along with other people and adjust with their environment and making responsible decision. The project seeks to develop the life skills among students of class 9th to 12th and to prepare them for long term progression in their life. In this ongoing initiative more than 5000 children benefitted in the past quarter.
CSR DISHA Student Name – Kinjal Mahadev Bhai Class-10th - (Zolapur School) Once during a Life Skill Session in Gujarat, Kinjal Mahadev Bhai informed the Life skill Educator that she had appeared for her class 9th exam, however, her family was now putting immense pressure on her to get married. She has dreams in her eyes…and was really scared that her family might force her to get married at an early age. Earlier her parents had forcibly got her older sister married off at an early age. She requested the Life skill educator to intervene and sensitise her family on the importance of education and make them aware that early marriage was a criminal offence. Hearing this, the Educator went to Kinjal’s house and to meet Kinjal’s family - her mother Ganga Ben and father Mahadev Bhai who is a farmer. The Educator introduced herself and briefed regarding her work and what she teaches in school. During the discussion, the Educator also asked Kinjal’s father why he wants his daughter to get married at such an early age. Her father Mahadev Bhai said he has six children, five girls and one boy, and he is not financially strong enough to cope up with the studies of all the Children. Apart from this the school environment was also getting affected due to indiscipline and inappropriate behaviour of some of the students. However, he agreed, if his daughter studies well and pays attention towards only studies he will let her continue with her education. Life Skill educator, counselled both father and daughter to have trust on their children and also highlighted that its children responsibility to not let their parents down. Today, Kinjal comes to school every day and participates in educational activities with a happy smile on her face…!
CSR Excursion Trip for Students of Govt. Girls School, Hassanpur, Mewat to Transport Museum With the permission of Block educational Officer, LCF organised an excursion trip for students to get beyond school learning experience and mark a visual impact for lifetime for 100 students.
CSR Excursion Trip for Students of Govt. Girls School, Hassanpur, Mewat to Transport Museum
CSR Celebrations with Students The CSR Team of Lumax-DK Jain Group spent time with students of the Government Schools in Haryana preparing for Diwali. The students underwent a workshop on making Diyas and candles along with understand- ing the nuances of business and finance - from planning to procurement, product management, packaging and finance management. The idea was to impart a new skill and create an opportunity for income generation. A stall was setup at Lumax Corporate Office on Wednesday, 19th Oct 2022, to contribute wholeheartedly towards this initiative and purchase from the students directly and thereby encourage them. The CSR Team engaged in Spreading Warmth, Cheer and Joy during Christmas celebrations at centre run by BG Foundation. We ran a campaign at our Lumax Corporate Office asking everyone to be someone's Secret Santa and donate old / unused clothes to support the communities with our partners BG Foundation.
CSR Celebrations with Students
CSR Celebrations with Students
CSR "Usha ki Kiran" Scholarship Usha Ki Kiran scholarship was initiated in three locations: Haryana, Maharashtra and Gujarat with total number of applications submitted being 1526. We will be announcing the results in the next quarter. Career Counselling Career Counselling project provides support to underprivileged students to empower them to choose the right careers. The Program identifies the youth’s strengths, weakness and area of interests and aptitude by doing career counselling in view of linking it to their higher education and skill improvement program which will lead to employment opportunities. This is an ongoing initiative in which we cover more than 5000 students from Haryana, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
BEYOND WORK Founder’s Day On the birth anniversary of our Founder Late Shri Sagar Chand Jain, Founder’s Day was celebrated across all the plants and offices at Lumax-DK Jain Group in November 2022.
BEYOND WORK POSH Awareness Session POSH Awareness Session was held for the employees at Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal in September 2022.
BEYOND WORK CPR Awareness Session If you see a person suddenly collapse, hands-only CPR is the recommended form of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It not only increases the likelihood of surviving breathing and cardiac emergencies that occur outside of medical settings, it's simple to learn and easy to remember. Lumax organised a session on Basic Life Support and CPR techniques for employees at the Lumax Auto Technologies Limited - Aftermarket Division, with support from PSRI Hospital, Delhi in October 2023. 19 employees were trained during the session. Sports Week – Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal Sports Week was held at Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal in December 2022 in several employees actively participated in different sports activities.
BEYOND WORK Sports Week – Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal Activity Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up (Individual/Team) (Individual/Team) (Individual/Team) 100 Metre Race – Mr Ankit (Assembly) Mr Sachin (Maintenance) Mr Aman (Store) Male 100 Metre Race - Ms Raveena (Assembly) Ms Indrawati (Assembly) Ms Sharmila (Assembly) Female Ms Juhi (Quality) 200 Metre Race – Mr Parvinder (IQC Mr Aman (Store) Male Mr Ankit (Assembly) Maintenance) Mr Sachin (Maintenance) 200 Metre Race - Ms Raveena (Assembly) Ms Juhi (Quality) Ms Sharmila (Assembly) Female Team (Surveer) Team (Suraj) Team (Urja) 400 Metre Relay Mr Aman Mr Vivek Mr Lovely Mr Dhanraj Mr Manoj Mr Vishal Race – Male Mr Sonu Mr Shivshankar Mr Lokesh Mr Parvinder (Vendor) Mr Ramkishan Mr Rajesh Team (Yodha) Team (Sultan) Team (Bahubali) 400 Metre Relay Ms Raveena Ms Pooja Ms Indrawati Ms Juhi Ms Swati Ms Pinki Race – Female Ms Sharmila Ms Anshu Ms Bala Ms Sweta Ms Rachna Ms Poonam Team – IQC + Accounts Team - HR Team- Maint + TR Mr Narender Mr Vikas, Mr Sandeep, Mr Pawan, Mr Amit, Mr Lokesh Mr Satbir, Mr Sandeep, Mr Ashok, Mr Ombir, Tug of War – Male Mr Gajender Mr Gaurav, Mr Jagat, Mr Sachin, Mr Naveen, Mr Bhramjeet, Mr Rajesh, Mr Rajkumar Mr Sachin - 2, Mr Sagar Mr Shiv Shankar, Mr Parvender, Mr Ashish, Mr Aman
BEYOND WORK Sports Week – Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal Activity Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up (Individual/Team) (Individual/Team) (Individual/Team) Team – Moulding + Team – Assembly + ST NA Assembly + HR Ms Sweta, Ms Shalinee, Tug of War – Ms Pooja, Ms Swati, Ms Yamini, Ms Vittan, Female Ms Aarti, Ms Sneha, Ms Kiran, Ms Amita, Ms Anshu, Ms Anshu, Ms Anju, Ms Bala Ms Vijayshree, Ms Rachna Three Legged Race Team - I.Q.C Team - SPD Team - Maintenance - Male Mr Manoj Mr Sandeep Mr Naveen Mr Shiv Shankar Mr Purshotam Mr Sonu Three Legged Team - Moulding Team - ST Team - Assembly Race - Female Ms Kiran Ms Vijayshree Ms Annuradha Ms Anju Ms Shalinee Ms Raksha Lemon Race – Mr Shiv Shankar (I.Q.C) Mr Balkishan (Vendor) Mr Tilak Raj Male (Maintenance) Lemon Race – Ms Meenakshi (TPM) Ms Shweta (Assembly) Ms Kiran (Moulding) Female Ms Shivangi (MLD)
BEYOND WORK Sports Week – Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal
BEYOND WORK Sports Week – Lumax Industries Limited, Bawal
BEYOND WORK Safety Mock Drill Safety Mock Drill of Security Guards were held at Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, Manesar in November 2023. During the drill they also learnt about use of Fire Hydrant and Extinguisher. Ayudha Pooja Ayudha Pooja was celebrated at Lumax Industries Limited, Bengaluru in October 2022.
BEYOND WORK Kannada Rajyotsava Celebrations Kannada Rajyotsava day was celebrated at Lumax Industries Limited, Bengaluru in November 2022 which included several competitions for the employees. Retailer Association Diwali Meet Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Aftermarket Division participated in the Retailer Association Diwali Meet organised by Aurangabad District Automobile Dealers Association in Aurangabad, Maharashtra in November 2022.
BEYOND WORK Dussehra Celebrations Dussehra was celebrated at several locations at Lumax-DK Jain Group in October 2022. Diwali Celebrations Diwali was celebrated across several locations at Lumax-DK Jain Group.
BEYOND WORK Diwali Celebrations
BEYOND WORK Christmas Celebrations Christmas was celebrated in December 2022 at several locations across Lumax-DK Jain Group. Birthday Celebrations of Channel Partners Lumax Auto Technologies Limited – Aftermarket Division celebrated Birthdays of Channel Partners in October – December 2022.
BEYOND WORK Birthday Celebrations Nanhi Chaan - 228 A plantation drive was organised for the new born babies at Lumax Industries Limited – Electronics Division in November 2022.
Mr Shivshankar Tripathi, Sr Executive - Store from Lumax Ancillary Limited, Pune and Ms Kiran Tripathi were blessed with a baby boy named Shreyansh on 31.10.2022. Mr. Lokesh Patil, Assistant Engineer - PPC from Lumax Ancillary Limited, Pune and Ms Gayatri Patil were blessed with a baby boy named Parth on 16.12.2022.
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