CSR Deeply Committed Towards Betterment of Indian Society We at Lumax have been dedicated towards betterment of Indian Society through our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in Healthcare and Education for the past few years through our CSR arm Lumax Charitable Foundation. We believe that there is no bigger satisfaction than being an organisation, which is socially responsible. Aligning to SDGs in healthcare and education, we carried out our ongoing initiatives in the past quarter. Mentioned below are the glimpses of the same: Healthcare Eye Screening and Free Cataract Surgeries in Haryana We conducted 5 Eye Screening Camps and 84 Free Cataract Surgeries for marginalised communities with lack of accessibility to healthcare around our plants in Haryana. Total beneļ¬ciaries in these camps were 727. 727 Total Beneļ¬ciaries 84 Free Cataract Surguries 05 Eye Screening Camps

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