2022 Product Sampling Digitization Chapter 3 Methodology 1. Frontend (App) This is what the user sees and interacts with. All views and designs are solely based on making the user experience smoother and better. Whenever the user enters the website URL, the browser sends a request to the server, where the website is currently being hosted. The server in turn sends back all the required HTML, CSS and additional framework files back to the browser, which displays them for the user. The user can now view the website Goal: To create a user-friendly application for users using ReactJS. Objectives: 1. A page that will show all free samples present in the cohort as per the store ID. 2. There will be different home/landing pages for different stores, as there are different samples for each store. 3. The customer after selecting the sample, the Customer might need to Login using Google 4. If the user is already logged in, He comes to the Ending page which says "Congratulations for getting a free sample, Collect it from the counter!" 5. If a user has already collected a sample from a store, then he/she cannot collect any sample from the same store within the next 48 hours limit (Limit varies as per cohorts). Requirements (Technology Stack): 1. ReactJS 2. Tailwind CSS 3. Firebase for Deployment 4. GIT as Version Control 6