2022 Product Sampling Digitization Admin | Brand Adding Authentication to Admin, Creating Brand Dashboard Bug Fixes CSV Report Generation Issue Admin Updates Sending Stock Left Report, Add Feature if Admin Scans any QR, then his scanning wont get recorded Updates Adding almost 30 New Stores and Activating 8 new Cohorts Admin Designing Revamping the whole Admin Panel with new Responsive UI Design Admin Updates Store Live Location Adding Feature and Calling Feature Admin Updates Adding Store Active | Inactive Toggle Button in Stores Admin Updates Showing Total Stock (Category wise as well) in a Particular Cohort 1.4 Organization of Report • Chapter 1- Introduces the basic concepts and the workflow of the project to provide a detailed understanding into the overall background of the project. • Chapter 2- Problem Statement defines a concise description of an issue that is to be addressed by the project. It identifies and focuses on the requirements of the project. • Chapter 3- Methodology prescribed to cover all intended parts of the project. • Chapter 4- System Analysis- Describes the systems that are under study and analyzes key features of the system to give a clear understanding of the overall framework. • Chapter 5- Technology Stack- To give a brief overview of the software used in the project and its utility. • Chapter 6- Testing and Results show the final overview of the intended work done/in-progress. • Chapter 7- Advantages, Limitations and Applications • Chapter 8- Conclusion and Future Scope. 4