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EMERGING HYBRID MARKETING ORGANISATIONS So how can we separate hybrid marketing organisations from traditional companies? Accenture 1. They are often Tech savvy and highly versatile: Must recognise that going digital fundamentally An experiential agency as part of Accenture that o seeks to deliver comprehensive user experiences in changes a company, industry, and customer relation- an integrated package, that deliver strong and ships transformative business results. o Must adapt to constantly evolving customers and optimise UX to match o Test new products/tools/processes to be more efficient o Thin entrepreneurially - let employees tae charge and innovate o Must recognise employees are their most important assets to build an epert and fleible team o Must eep trac of and respond efficiently and effectively to data, in order to develop measurable and actionable insights So what sets Accenture Interactive apart?  Emphasis on the importance of design and innova- 2. They offer integrated services to ensure diversi- tion in keeping up with the constant flux of consum- fied revenue er needs and demands in different industries ot ust one-off proects to do with separate o Marketing -> use concrete data to develop insights mareting channels that define why, how and where to engage with o ffer the whole pacage ­combine €‚ , content mareting, ƒ„, social media… customers develop and integrated marketing o †evelop long-term strategic plans to overhaul communications plan clients’ mareting departments and tracing important results ­leads, revenue, cost savings… - thin holistically elp in optimising client content and commerce to o †elivering a ˆuality pacage of integrated services improve speed to market, cost and uality by over a long-term time hori‰on allows for multiple introducing scaled economies, and optimise man- revenue channels agement across channels ata from Accenture  ­€‚ƒ has shown that a € point improvement in „onsumer Experience index 3. They often have a strong customer-centric scores has a pervasive and scaled impact, leading focus to an increase in incremental revenues for compa- nies in all types of industries. o “ƒut the customer first” o „ecognise that loyal clients Œ higher retention rates, o …etail †anks -> ‡ˆ‰ million revenue impact profit margins, predictable cash flows, stronger referrals - go into business with the aim of developing o Šnternet providers -> ‡‹‰ million revenue impact long-term relationships with clients o Must leverage these partnerships to fill gaps in resources so that these agencies can move forward o Œireless providers -> ‡€€Ž million revenue effectively and confidently in strategy development impact 19

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