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EMERGING HYBRID MARKETING ORGANISATIONS In recent years, marketing as a discipline has ­ hybrid marketing and technology consul expanded beyond traditional advertising, direct tancy that combines digital strategy with sales, or specific media strategies that have creativity to enhance the digital experience of long been its core focus areas.. The marketing their client’s users. landscape in recent years, has instead witnessed the rise of firms that champion a They partner with companies like ­dobe, strong focus on User Experience U as a way ­pple, oogle and ‚racle that all have to create customer value. This pervasive shift is technological expertise and resources, which an innate reaction to customers expecting their enhance ƒeloitte ƒigital’s ability to deliver interactions with chosen companies to be value for their enterprise clients. seamless and frictionless. one are the days of oneoff stale billboard advertisements, telemar keting, and sales reps around every corner these largely outdated tools have been replaced by an integrated use of technology that have caused a disruptive convergence of marketing and the rise of the digital experience. Think technology that tug at your heartstrings, that seems to know what you want intuitively, that is simple to use yet offers so many options, that is aesthetically pleasing ... the possibilities are endless. They deliver an integrated package that combines the use of„ o U and design o …ontent and commerce options that customise user experience in different channels o …ustomer platforms reconfigure and ence, the rise of the hybrid marketing organi enhance …†‡ and allows insights into custom sation often multinational consulting organisa er interaction across channels tions an agency that is versatile, adaptable o ‡anaged services helps maintain the and dynamic  that combines creativity, strate stability and flexibility of platforms gy, and technological expertise to enable the o ‡arketing optimi‰ation mediaspecific design and delivery of optimum user experienc services that enhance the effectiveness of es for their clients, that drives sustainable digital assets and marketing proŠect invest growth and strong business results. The power ments fully pervasive shift that sees the rise of these strategies and tech geniuses is still ongoing, and is a trend that will indefinitely shape the future of marketing. 18

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