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Sydney Marketing Society (SMS) is the third-largest society within the University of Sydney Business School, and proudly boasts an active and growing community of over  mem- bers hrough a range of events, we ultimately seek to help students develop and realise their career aspirations within the discipline of Marketing and beyond Our main goals are threefold:  roviding students with career opportunities through networking with potential employers ­ €ducating our members on the workings of the marketing industry, as well as providing opportunities to upskill  €ngaging and fostering a community of like-minded marketing students ‚e aim to realise these goals through various career-orient- ed events and programs throughout the year such as our networking events, careers fairs, workshops, panels and our Mentoring rogram hrough these, we endeavour to close the gap between students and employers in every student’s area of marketing interest whether this is „, …dvertising, Branding, Media, Marketing „esearch, †igital Marketing or B­B Marketing 4 4

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