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Life as a university student can be a hugely tumultuous period, and ideas regarding where you’d like to be career-wise are intimidating and elusive; but I am proud to say that at Sydney Marketing Society, it’s our mission to help you through this ourney e have created our  ­areers €uide to reveal some of the sheer diversity and dynamism that encompasses a career in Marketing, and to evoke interest for career paths you may never have considered before Sydney Marketing Society (SMS) is the third-largest society ‚ur vision was for this €uide to enlighten everyone from ƒirst-„ear within the University of Sydney Business School, and proudly …ndergraduate students to ƒinal-„ear Masters students; and I’m sure boasts an active and growing community of over  mem-that the content we’ve compiled will achieve ust that bers hrough a range of events, we ultimately seek to help †eveloping your career can often be a difficult process, complete with students develop and realise their career aspirations within stress, ambiguity and a fair share of disappointment - however, greater the discipline of Marketing and beyond things always await and every day is an opportunity to improve ˆever Our main goals are threefold:lose sight of who you are as a person Seek to emulate the skills you  roviding students with career opportunities through desire, and constantly learn‰ not ust new skills and information, but learn networking with potential employers about yourself and ponder your broader personal goals Šolunteer for ­ €ducating our members on the workings of the things and develop your hobbies Say yes to every opportunity, because marketing industry, as well as providing opportunities to e‹perience will help you better understand what you want to achieve upskill †on’t wait for opportunities to come to you; actively seek them out with  €ngaging and fostering a community of like-minded an open heart marketing students Last of all, I can’t stress enough how important participation in SMS’ ‚e aim to realise these goals through various career-orient-events can be †on’t underestimate the power of asking Œuestions at an ed events and programs throughout the year such as our event, or listening to an e‹pert speak on a topic you had no idea was networking events, careers fairs, workshops, panels and our related to Marketing, or having an e‹perienced mentor paired with you Mentoring rogram hrough these, we endeavour to close to guide you through the challenges of university and ob applications the gap between students and employers in every student’s SMS will connect you with a wonderful community of passionate area of marketing interest whether this is „, …dvertising, students, and a network of professionals with years of wisdom to share Branding, Media, Marketing „esearch, †igital Marketing or B­B Marketingishing you the best of luck and the greatest success in pursuing the career of your dreamsŽ 5 5

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