ANDREW BAXTER sOPHIA YE INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEWS [ ] A brief description of your job title/position, In your opinion, what is the purpose of and what your role involves. marketing in your industryŽs conte‘t’ I am currently an Assistant Brand Manager, I believe Marketing is about having an looking after the nilever’s kincare portfo innate curiosity to understand consumer lio aseline, imple, t Ives, ove across behaviour and an authentic desire to Australia € ‚ew ƒealand. My role involves come up with a product or service solu implementing „lobal Brand strategies into tion to meet that need. It is about ensuring the A‚ƒ market, serving as …roject †ead for that the right target market is being made all our new product innovations and man aware of the right product at the right time. aging our Media € …‡ agencies to deliver “n top of that, it is also about using that ˆ‰Š° Marketing Œampaigns to support our scale and reach in a way that positively new products. impacts society whether that be bringing awareness to an important social issue, encouraging constructive discussion amongst a community or just inciting laughter and talkability amongst friends. ”hat do you enjoy most about a career in marketing’ I thoroughly enjoy how much working in Marketing has broadened my hori•ons, providing me e‘posure to a whole host of industries I would not otherwise be privy to. I now have a greater understanding of the inner workings of – ‚etworks, –ech tartups and even —nvironmental ‚„“s. I also love how Marketing a medium that is universally accessible, transcending cultures, social hierarchies and genders. It gives me satisfaction to know that what I am working on is something that can impact society as a whole. 22
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