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hedgeisbutcheredwithstraightupanddown TheProperHedge cuts. While this may create a �dy look at first, Pruning a hedge is NOT something le� to your thebo�omofthehedgewilleventuallyfrom son, husband, or neighbor who happens to lack of sunlight. The rapid cu�ng of an haveapowerhedgetrimmer.Infact,power electric or gas hedge trimmer also stresses hedgetrimmersdoagreatdisservicetoa theplants, especially if the trimmer is hedge,whetherformalorinformal. beginning to dull. FormalHedgevsInformalHedge TheFormalHedge Weusuallyseeformalhedgesinformal Hedgesaremadeupofmul�pleplantswhose gardensorasdividersbetweenayardandthe branchesmergetomakeaseamlesswall. sidewalk. A formal hedge is pruned into a long Plants that are columnar or fas�giate varie�es box-like or rounded shape and maintained naturally grow upright and �ght. Yew, privet, with shearings twice per year. When you andboxwoodallmakegoodformalhedges, shear a hedge with hedge shears you are andtheycanhandlefrequentpruning.Both makingmanyheadingcuts. deciduousplantsandevergreenshrubsare Aninformalhedgeisprunedsothatthe also suitable for a formal hedge. It is advised natural shape of the plant is evident. A line of to do someresearchonplantgrowthhabits forsythia with draping branches, or spirea sotoavoidfalling in love with a plant and shrubs lining a long driveway are examples. thenfindoutthehardwayaboutallthe Bothheadingandthinningcutsareusedto challenges involved in trying to keep it maintain the shrub’s shape. pruned. Sadly, hedge trimming is not typically Theindividual plants making up a hedge tend considered pruning, but is referred to as to put out more growth on the top where “cu�ngback”andisusuallypartofalawn they get more sun. When pruning, make sure mowingcontract.Inmostcases,li�le�meis thebo�omofthehedgeaswellasthe spentonplanthealthconsidera�onsandthe interior of the hedge are being exposed to a g n i m r a F e l b a n i a t s u S g n i t r o p p u S 14

Pruning E-Book by Rogitex - Page 14 Pruning E-Book by Rogitex Page 13 Page 15