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fair share of sunlight. If you are trying to Trimmingaproperhedgeis�meconsuming andrequireshedgeshearsandhandpruning establish a new hedge, there are some shears. To keep a hedge healthy from top to pruning cuts that must be made along the bo�om,thebasemustbewiderthanthetop. waytoendupwithlushandvigorous, Whetherthetopissquareorround,the con�nuedgrowth. hedgeshouldgofromthewiderbo�omto thenarrowertopatagentleangle.Notethat squaretopscanbemorepronetosnow damageover�me. Pu�nginahedgerequiressomethoughtasit is not a low-maintenance part of the garden; in fact, it may be the highest maintenance Image:UnivofMarylandExtensionh�ps:// feature. So before proceeding, ask yourself resource/pruning-shrubs-and-hedges someques�ons: Howtoestablishahedgeofdeciduousplants • Howmuch�meareyouwillingto 1. Cut off almost everything at plan�ng. It devotetoahedge?Theanswermay will feel dras�c but cu�ng tall growth makethedifferencebetweenaformal will make the hedge bushier at the or an informal hedge. bo�om. • Howhighandwidedoyouwantyour 2. A�ertheplantsgrowforaseasoncut hedge?Theidealsizeis3feetwideand backthemainstem1/3and�pprune nohigherthaneyelevel(higherfor all branches. moreprivacy,butkeepinmindyouwill 3. Every year a�er, prune the hedge to needaladdertoprunethetop). shapewithawidebaseandanarrower • Howmuchmoneyareyouwillingto top. spendonplants?Columnarorfas�giate varie�es naturally grow upright and Eveninaformalhedgethereareindiscreet �ght, so fewer straggling branches holes into the interior of the hedge so throughouttheseasonbutmoreof sunlight and air can get into the hedge and themwillbeneededtocreateafull keeptheinterioralive. Have you ever cut back appearance. the“skin” of a hedge to find dead branches? Mostofthemarenotdeadbutsimplyleafless TheInformalHedge - following the branches will lead you to This is most effec�ve with a row of mul�- luxuriant growth on the top of the hedge. stemmeddrapingshrubssuchasForsythia, Theseholescanbecreatedbyusingbypass Spirea, or spreading evergreens. An informal handprunerstoprunebackaninteriorbranch hedgetakesmuchlessworkthanaformal or two at a 45-degree angle, just above a bud one, but it does take up more space. To get a that’s heading in the direc�on you want the luxurious draping Forsythia hedge, covered in branch. Take two or three steps down your beau�fulyellowbloomsinspring�me,you hedgeandpruneanotherinteriorbranch. will need about 6 feet of ground space. If less Whenthosebranchesareexposedto spaceis available, shorter shrubs like sunlight, they start pu�ng out green shoots poten�lla will give almost all season cheery whichwill makethehedgeappearfuller. 15

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