Jorge del Carpio 2 Work Experience Founder and CEO A user-friendly application designed to produce rapid and economic QUICK CATALOGUE - La Paz, Bolivia product catalogs. 2016 to Present Design, development, and launching of Quick Catalogue, a desktop application allowing anybody to organize and show products in awesome catalogs, without pain. Permanent and close interaction with early adopters and users through direct contact, trade shows, and other B2B activities. Monitoring and documenting the customer journey to modify the application for a better user experience. Partnering with State Agencies and NGOs supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs. Design and continuous evaluation of a flexible and dynamic growth and scalability plan, aimed at steadily increasing the size of the business, and generating recurring revenue with the same or slightly greater effort. Promoting the iniciative through talks and presentations to students, entrepreneurs and professionals. Attracting mentors, collaborators and advisors from industry, academy, State Agencies, and the startup ecosystem. Continuous learning through participation in startup schools, seminars, acceleration programs, and meet-ups. Seeking investment and/or founding through presentations to investors, startup contests and applications for grants. Building a stellar team of expert “knowmads” with notable hard and soft skills, with whom we will share our entrepreneurial passion and strategic vision. Over 30 000products catalogued for local and international customers. Founder and General Manager The first Chilean producer of premium llama fibers with a proprietary FIBRAS ANDINAS CHILE - Arica, Chile dehairing technology. 2009 to 2016 Full development of an innovative textile product consisting of llama fibers dehaired to a highest grade of fineness and quality, and further transformed into yarns. Prototyping and testing with specialized optical fiber analysis equipment. Development and implementation of an industrial method to process llama fibers, based on alpaca fiber processing equipment. Efficient management of daily operations to meet production quotas. Supply chain management, including raw materials from llama farmers to export and delivery of finished yarns to users in five continents. Recruitment of specialized labor, including an industrial engineer. Production of manuals covering manufacturing, functions, and occupation safety. Marketing and promotion activities including local and international trade shows, in coordination with Chile´s Export Promotion Agency (PRO CHILE), and other major local campaigns. Domestic and international sales, including a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Raising capital from angel investors, Chile´s state agencies, crowdfunding, and bank financing. Reporting to investors and state agencies. Conducting research and development in search of new industrial processing methods of other camelid fibers. Socializing the initiative through traditional media, social media, speaking engagements, and other channels.

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