Jorge del Carpio 5 Industrial Division Manager CIBO - JOHN DEERE 1988 - 1988 Sales of John Deere construction equipment, Mack Trucks, and Nissan Diesel trucks. Bid analysis, cost calculation, product configuration and presentation of written proposals to state customers. Technical Translator JOHN DEERE WORKS - Mannheim, Germany 1987 - 1987 Engineering internship performing Spanish translation of John Deere agricultural equipment operating manuals. Consulting Municipal Government of La Paz Advisor to City Mayor Gabriela Candia. Fábrica Boliviana de Vidrio Marketing – Business Model development Chilean Economic Development Agengy Feasibility of a Camelid Fiber Processing Plant in Arica, Chile. (CORFO) Chile. Contact Chile (ProChile y CORFO) Seed Project Evaluations Capital Research & Development Foundation for Agricultural Processing and marketing of Innovation (FIA) - Chile Guanaco Fibers. Recognitions Innovatic Bolivia Best Technological Startup Seed Stars Bolivia Finalist among 8 best technological startups in Bolivia Start Up Chile (Innova Chile - CORFO) Selected among entrepreneurs from around the world for seed capital and incubation of Fibras Andinas Chile project. Proyecto RED Chile Innovation tour in Italy and Spain. Green Start Up – Universidad de Desarrollo Finalist - Soil Cement Blocks for Ecological Construction. y Fundación Chile Entrepreneurs Association Chile (ASECH) Founder President in the Arica Parinacota Region, Chile Banco de Crédito e Inversión BCI Chile Outstanding Entrepreneur - Annual Memoir Yo soy Chile Personality of the Year, Arica Parinacota Region ProChile - Chilean Export Promotion Agency Region´s Best Innovative Enterprise Diario Financiero (Chile), Canal 13 (Chile), Miami Herald Press Coverage (USA), Wild Fibers Magazine (USA), Revista Vanidades, Zeitpunkt (Switzerland), and other publications. Lecturer, speaker and motivador to academics, professionals Public Speaking and entrepreneurs (Start Up Chile, Consulado General de Chile en Bolivia, ProChile, Inacap, Universidad de Tarapacá, Terminal Puerto Arica, Natura Bolivia and other organizations).