THE CANNIBAL’S COOKBOOK [Beck Mitchell] Eating for a Better World Welcome to The Cannibal’s Cookbook official website! Whether you heard about us through social media, late-night television, or our Super Bowl ads, we’re glad you found our little corner of the Internet. This site is dedicated to informing you on the latest news relating to the worldwide phenomenon known as the cannibal lifestyle. Come here for recipes, home decor, crafts, and more; and a thank you from us all for spending your time to support the cause.1 Mission Statement We would like to start by thoroughly disputing the image cultivated by popular media of the depraved, savage man-eater. Contrary to public perception, the consumption of human flesh is the bare minimum to becoming a cannibal. Rather, cannibals as a movement are devoted to the sentiment that in an age of pollution and rabid consumerism, cremation and burial only provide needless litter. The power to change this starts with you! How so, you may ask? Here’s a list to get you started: • Donate to our charity, Eating to Live: Every penny counts, especially when it comes to spreading our message. Our charity is always in need of extra support. There’s no cap on donation amounts, so spare us some change if you want to see us grow. • Purchase our merchandise: This is the #1 way you can help support our cause. Be it posters, clothing, or food products, all are ethically sourced and locally produced.2 • Participate in the movement: Surprise your loved one with a special meal, make your friend a grieving gift from the recently departed, or simply spread the word about our movement. Keep reading for more details. Overview The following sections serve as a brief overview addressing potential solutions to mainstream culture’s systemic wastefulness. Keep in mind that these are a few suggestions on what you could do. The Cannibal’s Cookbook highly encourages your own creative and practical uses of the human body. If you intend to sell using our methods, be sure to advertise under our brand store. 1 This website is funded by the American Anthropophagite Association (AAA) in partnership with the American meat-packing board. 2 Several states have banned the consumption and use of human carcasses. If you are unsure whether the activities mentioned are legal in your state, check our Legal tab for more information and help. PLAINS 2 paradox

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