Maurycy Apfelbaum Born in Mszczonów in 1887, died in Katowice in 1931, he belonged to the artistic, avant-garde group Jung Idysz from Łódź. In 1901 he left Mszczonów, and in 1905 he began studying at the Royal Academy of Art in London. In 1921, he returned to Poland, where he began working at the Jewish Theater in Warsaw and in Yiddish newspapers as a cultural journalist. Apfelbaum became famous for the beautiful frescoes he made, together with the artists Samuel Cygler and Chaim Hanft, in the Great Synagogue in Będzin. He also decorated the synagogue in Łowicz. We do not know what Apfelbaum’s zodiac signs looked like in Grodzisk, but looking at the synagogue in Będzin, the Grodzisk synagogue must have been beautiful. In Grodzisk, at 8 Składowa Street, there is a brick tenement house, which was built years ago by Dawid Frajerman, an entre- preneur from Grodzisk, thanks to whom the artistically made aron ha-kodesh, or the Holy Ark, i.e. an altar cupboard for storing a Torah scrolls, was placed in the Grodzisk synagogue. In the synagogue the aron ha-kodesh is located on the eastern side. It is not known when Dawid Frajerman was born and died, but his family mem- bers are buried in the Grodzisk cemetery, where we can still 昀椀nd the matzevot of his daughter Bina, who died on October 7, 1924. У своїй книзі священик Боянек згадує, що на віконницях ґродзіської синагоги був намальований білий орел. Саломон Нейгауз («Наше місто Ґродзіськ», 2022) розповідає, що на стінах синагоги були намальовані краєвиди на Ерец-Ізраель та Єрусалимський Храм. «За традицією, художники, які прикрашають синагоги, залишаються анонімними, тому невідомо, хто розписав східну стіну, яка вражає своїми прекрасними розписами. 26 27