Signs That You Should Break Up with Your Digital Marketing Agency You’ve hired a digital marketing agency to help you scale success. However, after some time working together, it becomes clear that the agency isn’t delivering results and is actually hindering growth. It might be time to break up with your digital marketing agency if you experience or observe the following: Poor Collaboration The first sign to look out for is a lack of collaboration. If your digital marketing agency isn’t responding to queries quickly, or doesn’t provide regular updates on progress and performance, then you should consider ending the relationship. Unreliable Reports If the agency isn’t meeting the goals that were agreed upon at the start of the project, then it could be time to change agencies. Additionally, if you are getting inconsistent results from month to month and not seeing an improvement in performance, then this is a sign that there is something wrong. Close-Minded Professionals If the digital marketing professionals you are working with seem close-minded and resistant to change, then it’s time for a change. A good agency should be open to new ideas and strategies, as well as flexible in responding to customer feedback. Poor Communication If communication between your business and the agency is breaking down frequently due to conflicting schedules or lack of response from one side, then it could be time to find a different partner who can provide better service. Your digital marketing campaign’s success depends on a good communication between you and your advertising agency. Sydney Website Design Agency Suite 87, Level 33, Australia Square, 265 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 1300 684 339 Web Design Agency | Website Design Sydney | Web Design Sydney | Website Designers Sydney | Web Design in Sydney

How A Digital Agency Helps Businesses To Attract Target Audience, Convert And Create Raving Fans.pptx - Page 6 How A Digital Agency Helps Businesses To Attract Target Audience, Convert And Create Raving Fans.pptx Page 5 Page 7