Basic Requirements to Look for in a Digital Agency When selecting a digital agency, there are some basic requirements that you should look for. You’ll want to make sure the agency is experienced in online marketing, has good references and testimonials from other clients, as well as a track record of success. Here are some tips you can follow: Get Recommendations Talk to people you trust and ask for recommendations from those who have used digital agencies in the past. If you do not have any experience in working with digital marketing agencies or even social media advertising, it would be best to get referrals instead. You can always ask them about their actual experiences about the digital marketers and professionals that you are planning to collaborate with for your brand. Require a Work Portfolio A good agency should be able to show you a portfolio of work they have done for other businesses. This will give you an idea of their capabilities and expertise in the field, as well as how successful their campaigns were. Negotiate a Contract Make sure that the digital agency you select has a clear contract in place. This should include pricing and what services are included, deadlines for campaigns, ownership of the final product, and conditions for cancelling or amending the agreement. Having this written down will help protect both parties from any misunderstandings that could arise later on. Start with a Basic Plan When selecting a digital agency, it’s best to start with just one or two services that you need help with. This will give you an opportunity to test the agency and see how they perform before committing to long-term projects or campaigns. Once you’re satisfied with their work and results, then you can consider expanding your collaboration with them. Sydney Website Design Agency Suite 87, Level 33, Australia Square, 265 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 1300 684 339 Web Design Agency | Website Design Sydney | Web Design Sydney | Website Designers Sydney | Web Design in Sydney

How A Digital Agency Helps Businesses To Attract Target Audience, Convert And Create Raving Fans.pptx - Page 5 How A Digital Agency Helps Businesses To Attract Target Audience, Convert And Create Raving Fans.pptx Page 4 Page 6