CentroGold DEVELOPMENT Para, Brazil OPERATOR BHP Biliton Limited ("BHP") COMMODITY TYPE TERMS LAND AREA Gold Royalty 1.0 - 2.0% NSR 120,000 ha Royalty Summary Reserves CentroGold is located in the Gurupi geological province in the state of Reserves & Resources - Au Maranhão. It is one of the largest undeveloped gold projects in Brazil P&P Reserves (koz Au) 1,100 with three main open pit deposits: Blanket, Contact, and Chega Tudo. M&I Resources (koz Au) 1,300 Inferred Resources (koz Au) 410 A pre-feasibility study released on July 11 2019, outlined a ten-year Metalla Royalty Ounces - GEOs operation where production in the 昀椀rst two years is expected to av- P&P Reserves (koz) 17.0 erage 190Koz to 210Koz gold annually with an expected ~1.1Moz of M&I Resources (koz) 21.0 total production excluding Chega Tudo. The CentroGold Contact and Inferred Resources (koz) 6.1 Blanket deposits remain open at depth and the expansive land pack- * Mineral Resources are reported inclusive of Mineral Reserves * For royalty ounce calculation, Metalla estimates that 100% of the CentroGold Mineral Resources age presents a great deal of exploration potential including several and Mineral Reserves are subject to our royalty interest and a rate of 1% is applied up to 500 koz, 2% between 501 koz and 1.5 moz and 1% thereafter. * For sources, please refer to note 12 on the Notes & Sources page. identi昀椀ed targets that may yield complimentary satellite deposits and a moderate resource estimate at Chega Tudo. Royalty & Mineralization Map The CentroGold project currently has a historical injunction placed on its mining license. In 2023, the previous operator, Oz Minerals (now a subsidiary of BHP) announced the approval by INCRA on the land use concession for mining activies, a request has been submitted to the courts to remove the injunction. Metalla holds a 1% NSR royalty on the 昀椀rst 500 koz gold, 2% NSR royalty between 500 koz and 1.5 Moz gold and a 1% NSR royalty thereafter. 26 Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd.
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