Seasonal Sightings WWiilldd C Canineaniness bby Ky Kiim Cm Comomppttonon EEdduuccaattiioon an annd Vd Viissiittoor Cr Ceenntteer Sr Seerrvviiccees Cs Coooorrddiinnaattoorr How many times have you seen canine tracks on the trail and just assumed that it was from a pet dog? While there are many dog walkers at our sites, there is also a healthy population of wild canines. But how do you tell the difference? Learn several ways to track and identify wild canines like coyotes or red foxes below! TTrracackk P Patatteterrnn AAnimnimaall A Appppeeaarrancancee The 昀椀rst thing you might notice about a wild canine track If you are lucky enough to spot a live animal, it is fairly pattern is that they are walking in a straight line. Coyotes easy to distinguish between dogs, coyotes and red foxes. and foxes are traveling somewhere with a purpose and do Red foxes are recognizable by their signature red coat and not often stray from one side to another. Dogs, on the other a white point on the tail. Foxes are also skinny and sleek hand, are interested in surrounding smells and often zig zag and move more like a wild cat than a dog. Coyotes are along the trail, pulling in di昀昀erent directions when they 昀椀nd sometimes mistaken for dogs, but look for their narrow something of interest. snouts, pointed ears and multi-colored coats with white, tan and red fur. Coyotes also have a black ridge along SSiizeze their backs and a black-tipped tail. Coyotes can be 25 to 45 All canines have similar looking footprints, but we can use pounds and stand about 24 inches at their shoulder. the size of the print as identi昀椀cation. A coyote’s footprint LLiivvinging W Wiitthh W Wiilldd C Canineaniness is approximately 2 to 2.5 inches both wide and long. A red fox’s print is slightly smaller—about 2 inches wide and long. If you see a coyote or fox while on a hike, do not be afraid. Keep in mind, however, that prints in snow and mud will Like most wild animals, they are shy and likely to run away spread and look bigger than the foot actually is. from you. If they seem to be approaching you, make loud noises and aggressively motion towards them. If you are SStrtriiddee & & S Strtradadddllee walking with a pet, pick your pet up or shorten the leash and It is helpful to look at the stride and straddle as well. The keep them close to you. Do not turn your back or run away. stride is the distance between footprints front to back while | Header Image: Cynthia Smith / Female Red Fox the straddle is the distance between prints side to side. Both red foxes and coyotes have 12 to 15 inch strides, but the straddle for a coyote is bigger—4 to 6 inches versus the foxes’ 3 to 4 inches. There are many di昀昀erent sizes of dogs, Don't Miss These Wild Canine Programs! so it is impossible to give them a typical size range. SSccatat DISCOVERY DAYS: Ages 2 - 6 with Adult WILD CANINES Sometimes you can tell the di昀昀erence between domestic Friday, November 15, 10–11 a.m. dogs and wild canines by looking at their scat. Wild canines PG 16 hunt and kill their prey, and they often ingest small bones and fur when they eat. Therefore, a wild canine’s scat will CRAZY ABOUT CANINES Ages 8 - 13 (drop off) have fur and bones in it, which often makes it look twisted Saturday, November 9, 10 - 11:30 a.m. and pointed at the ends. Dog feces, on the other hand, PG 17 typically have rounded ends without fur and bones. 12 Landscapes | FALL 2024

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