XXXX Voted Against Criminalizing War Profiteering. In 2004, XXXX voted against stricter control on contractors assigned to military facilities and against a new law banning war profiteering. [S 2400, Vote 120, 6/16/04] XXXX Voted to Punish War Time Profiteers. In June 2004, XXXX voted for an amendment that would extend federal jurisdiction to include fraudulent offenses committed overseas by contractors who make false claims or statements in connection with military or rebuilding activities. [S 2400, Vote 119, 6/16/04] MISCELLANEOUS XXXX Voted To Prohibit Defense Department From Building Biofuel Refinery. In November 2012, XXXX voted against Hagan, D-N.C., amendment no. 3095 that would strike a section of the bill that would prohibit the Defense Department from entering into a contract to plan, refurbish or construct a biofuel refinery or similar facility unless authorized by law. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 54-41 (D 48-1; R 4-40; I 2-0). [Vote 209, 11/29/12] XXXX Voted to Deny Media Coverage of the Return of Military Coffins to the United States. In June 2004, XXXX voted for an amendment that would express the sense of Congress that the Defense Department policy prohibiting media coverage of the return to the United States the remains of armed forces members who died overseas appropriately protects the privacy of their families and friends and is consistent with the Constitution's guarantees of freedom of speech and press. [S 2400, Vote 131, 6/21/04]  XXXX Voted Again to Deny Media Coverage of the Return of Military Coffins to the United States. In June 2004, XXXX voted against an amendment that would require that no later than 60 days after enactment of the underlying bill, the Defense secretary develop a protocol that permits media coverage of the return to the United States of coffins containing the remains of members of the armed forces who died overseas. The protocol would be required to ensure the preservation of the dignity of the occasion of the return and the confidentiality of the members' identity. [S 2400, Vote 132, 6/21/04] XXXX Voted Against Prohibiting Use of Funds for Military Offensives Unless Approved By Congress. In 1998, XXXX voted to kill an amendment that requires that no funds be used to "initiate or conduct" U.S. military operations except in accordance with Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which vests in Congress the power to declare war and take other related actions. [Vote 251, 7/30/98] XXXX Voted Against Prohibiting the Defense Department from making changes to Gender Separation. In 1998, XXXX voted against prohibiting the Defense Department from changing its policy or official practice regarding separation or integration of members of Armed Forces on basis of gender that is within responsibility of Commission on Military Training and Gender-Related Issues. [Vote 172, 6/24/98] 322

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