XXXX Voted Against an Accurate Report on Detainees Held by the United States. In June 2004, XXXX voted to kill an amendment that would require the Defense Department to provide Congress with a number of reports pertaining to detainees at U.S. military prisons worldwide, including a report on all prisoner interrogation techniques approved by U.S. officials. It also would require the department to submit all International Committee of the Red Cross reports regarding treatment of prisoners in U.S. custody in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. [S 2400, Vote 143, 6/23/04] XXXX Voted to Hire Private Contractors to Conduct Interrogations. In June 2004, XXXX voted to kill an amendment that would prohibit the use of private contractors to conduct prisoner interrogations at U.S. military facilities. [S 2400, Vote 118, 6/16/04] XXXX Voted to Condemn the Abuse at Abu Ghraib. In May 2004, XXXX voted to a adopt a resolution that would condemn the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison and join with the president in expressing apology for the humiliations suffered by the prisoners in Iraq and their families. It would call for an investigation by members of the Senate and the president into the alleged abuses and urge that all individuals responsible for such acts be held accountable. It also would express support for Americans who are serving nobly abroad to improve the lives of Iraqis. [S Res 356, Vote 86, 5/10/04] XXXX Voted Against Requiring Report of Names and Nationalities of All Individuals Detained as Military Combatants. On July 16, 2003, XXXX voted for a Stevens, R-Alaska, motion to table (kill) the Bingaman, D- N.M., amendment to FY 2004 Defense Appropriations bill. The Bingaman amendment would require the Defense Department to submit a report within 90 days on individuals detained as military combatants. The report would have to include the names and nationalities of all detainees and information on how the government plans to handle each detainee’s case. [HR 2658, Vote 279, 7/16/03] MEDALS AND RECOGNITION XXXX Voted to Create Military Medals for Iraq and Afghanistan. In May 2004, XXXX voted for a bill that would provide for the establishment of separate campaign medals to be awarded to members of the military who participate in operations in Iraq or Afghanistan. [HR 3104, Vote 96, 5/18/04] XXXX Voted to Begin Awarding Global War on Terrorism Medal to Troops Serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. On October 16, 2003, XXXX voted for an amendment that called for the Secretary of Defense to begin awarding the Global War on Terrorism Medal to members of the armed forces serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Noble Eagle. The vote was on a McConnell, R-Ky., amendment (no. 1874) to the FY 2004 Supplemental for Iraq and Afghanistan. The McConnell amendment would express the sense of the Senate that the Defense Secretary should, on an expedited basis, issue necessary regulations to implement and begin awarding the Global War on Terrorism Medal to members of the armed forces serving in those three operations. [S 1689, Vote 387, 10/16/03] XXXX Rejected Iraqi Liberation Medal for Troops on the Front Lines. In October 2003, XXXXX voted against creating an Iraqi Liberation Medal. The amendment, which the Defense Department opposed, was rejected 48-47. [Vote 378, 10/14/03; Santa Fe New Mexican, 10/15/03] XXXX Voted to Thank U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and Express Condolences to Families of Troops Killed or Injured. On October 2, 2003, XXXX voted to thank U.S. troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to extend condolences to the families of those who had been killed or injured. The vote was on a McConnell, R-KY, amendment (no. 1795) to the FY 2004 Supplemental for Iraq and Afghanistan. The McConnell amendment would express the sense of the Senate thanking U.S. troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and extending condolences to the families of those who have been killed or injured. [S 1689, Vote 372, 10/2/03] PROFITEERING 321

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