practice of burying streams with strip mine debris in a process known as valley fill for two years, by exempting these mines from the Clean Water Act for the next two years. [Vote 370, 11/18/99] XXXX Voted Against Limiting Mining Waste. In 1999, XXXX voted to kill the Murray amendment to H.R.2466, which was an amendment to remove bill language prohibiting implementation of a 1997 Interior Department ruling limiting mining waste disposal to a single, five-acre site for each mining operation. [Vote 223, 7/27/99] XXXX Voted to Prohibit the Interior Secretary from Revising Environmental Regulations Concerning Hardrock Mining on Public Land. In 1998, XXXX voted for a motion to table an amendment which strikes provisions that require National Academy of Sciences to prepare 24 month study on need to revise existing regulations regarding hardrock mining on Federal lands, and prohibit Interior Secretary from revising environmental regulations concerning hardrock mining on public lands until 90 days after study is completed. [Vote 268, 9/15/98] XXXX Voted Against Repealing Tax Break for Hard-Rock Mining Companies. In 1998, XXXX voted to kill the Bumpers amendment to S.Con.Res.86, which was an amendment to repeal the tax break for hard-rock mining companies and use the proceeds for grants under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. [Vote 67, 4/2/98] XXXX Voted Against Limiting Percentage of Depletion Allowances for Mining Toxic Substances. In 1997, XXXX voted against a motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to permit consideration of the Feingold amendment to S.949, which was an amendment to end the depletion allowance for mining operations involving uranium, asbestos, lead, and mercury. [Vote 158, 6/27/97] XXXX Did Not Vote on Bill Repealing Depletion Allowances for Hardrock Mining. In 1997, XXXX did not vote on bill repealing depletion allowance available to hardrock mining companies operating on public and former public lands. [Vote 131, 6/26/97] PUBLIC LANDS XXXX Voted Against Providing Recreational Access To Certain Public Lands For Hunters. In November 2012, XXXX voted against a Tester, D-Mont., motion to waive all applicable budget laws with respect to the Sessions, R-Ala., point of order against the Tester substitute amendment no. 2875 that would provide additional recreational access to certain public lands for hunters. It would exclude ammunition and fish tackle from EPA regulations, ease a ban on importing polar bear remains, reauthorize several conservation measures and allow the Interior Department to increase fees for duck stamps, a federal migratory-bird hunting license that also helps fund conservation efforts. The substitute would strike provisions in the bill to prohibit the sale of billfish and require a report on artificial reefs in the Gulf of Mexico. The motion was rejected by a vote of 50-44 (D 47-1; R 1-43; I 2-0). [Vote 204, 11/26/12] XXXX Voted To Direct Pollution Funds to Gulf Coast Restoration, Reauthorize Land and Water Conservation Fund. In 2012, XXXX voted for an amendment that would direct 80 percent of Clean Water Act penalties stemming from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill to a trust fund for Gulf Coast restoration. It also would authorize $1.4 billion for the Land and Water Conservation Fund over two years. The amendment would be offset by delaying for one year the implementation of a rule that gives multinational corporations more flexibility in accounting for interest costs. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 76-22. [S.1813, Vote #32, 3/8/12] MISCELLANEOUS XXXX Voted for Interior, IHS, Forest Service, Veterans Funding. In 2005, XXXX voted for a bill that would provide $26.3 billion in fiscal 2006 for the Department of Interior and related agencies, including $9.9 billion for the Interior Department and $7.8 billion for the EPA. It would provide $4.1 billion for the Forest Service, $1.8 billion for the Bureau of Land Management and $3.2 billion for the Indian Health Service. It also would provide 127

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