XXXX Voted Against Creating Fund for Environment and Natural Resources. In 1998, XXXX voted against a motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to permit consideration of the Lautenberg amendment to S.Con.Res.86, which was an amendment to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund composed of all Superfund taxes to provide funding for the environment and natural resources. This would ensure that the revenue from Superfund taxes would go only to the Superfund and other environmental programs. [Vote 65, 4/12/98] PESTICIDES XXXX Voted to Allow Testing Pesticides on People. McConnell voted against prohibiting the EPA from using or conducting studies that expose people to pesticides, when considering permits for new pesticides. [Vote 162, 6/29/05; Associated Press, 6/29/05]  If XXXX Had His Way, Even Newborns of “Uncertain Viability” Could Be Tested. The Bush administration lifted a moratorium imposed in 1998 by the Clinton administration on using human testing for pesticide approvals. New EPA rules under development envision permitting the agency to accept data from human tests on children, pregnant women, newborns, infants and fetuses. Even newborns of “uncertain viability” could be tested under the draft EPA rule. The proposal McConnell voted against would block the EPA from using data taken from human testing for the budget year starting Oct. 1. It would also bar the agency from conducting such testing. [AP, 6/29/05] XXXX Voted to Allow Pesticide Testing on Humans, After a Study. In 2005, XXXX voted for an amendment that would direct the EPA administrator to conduct a review of all third-party intentional human dosing studies. It also would direct the administrator to issue a final rule within 180 days of enactment that addresses the application of ethical standards to third-party studies involving intentional human dosing to identify or quantify toxic effects. [Vote 161, 6/29/05] XXXX Voted to Allow Pesticides With Carcinogens In National Parks. In 2000, XXXX voted not to prohibit Interior Appropriations funding to apply certain pesticides (including pesticides approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)) in areas of national parks that might be used by children. Prohibited pesticides would be those that contained known or probable carcinogens or nerve toxins, or were pesticides of the organophosphate, carbamate, or organochlorine classes. Later, however, on a 99-0 vote, the Senate approved an alternate proposal by Sen. Bond that would have prevented the use of funds to apply pesticides not approved by the Environmental Protection Agency in national parks. [Vote 210, 7/18/00] ANIMALS XXXX Voted Against Protecting Endangered Species. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would bar the Interior secretary from designating as critical habitat Defense Department-owned lands subject to a Pentagon management plan, but only if the Interior secretary certifies that the management plan would effectively conserve endangered species and would receive adequate funding. [Vote 190, 5/21/03] MINING XXXX Voted Against Expanding COBRA By Raising Taxes On Mining Companies. In 2000, XXXX voted against an amendment that would increase Federal taxes on hardrock mining companies that operate on Federal lands by eliminating the percentage depletion allowance. The amendment would then expand Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA) coverage to include retirees whose employer-sponsored health care coverage was terminated and to provide a 25-percent tax credit for COBRA coverage (COBRA coverage allows people to continue paying for employment-based health insurance for 18 months after leaving employment). The motion was rejected, 30-68. [Vote 202, 7/17/00] XXXX Voted to Allow Coal-Mining Operations to Bury Streams With Mine Debris. In 1999, XXXX voted for Byrd amendment to H.J.Res.82, which was an amendment to enable coal-mining operations to continue the 126

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