health insurance costs for displaced workers, and authorize a five-year extension of the Generalized System of Preferences. [HR 3009, Vote 206, 8/1/02; Associated Press, 8/1/02] XXXX Voted to End Debate On Fast-Track Trade Promotion Authority. In 2002, XXXX voted for fast-track trade promotion authority. Under fast track authority, the president can negotiate international trade agreements that Congress must approve or reject but cannot change. Beginning in 1974 every president has had that authority. Congress refused President Clinton's requests to restore the power after it expired in 1994. It also would reauthorize and expand a program to provide retraining assistance to U.S. workers hurt by trade agreements, create a 65 percent tax credit for health insurance costs for displaced workers, and authorize a five-year extension of the Generalized System of Preferences. [HR 3009, Vote 203, 8/1/02; Associated Press, 8/1/02] XXXX Voted to Proceed to the Trade Promotion Bill. In 2002, XXXX voted for a motion to proceed to the conference report on the bill that would renew the president's fast-track authority and extend duty-free status to certain products from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. [HR 3009, Vote 198, 7/30/02] XXXX Supported Extending Duty-Free Status for Products From Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru and Revive Fast-Track Authority. In 2002, XXXX voted for legislation to extend duty-free status for products from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, renew fast-track trade negotiating authority, reauthorize and expand a program to provide retraining and relocation assistance to U.S. workers hurt by trade agreements, and create a refundable 70 percent tax credit for health insurance costs for displaced workers, among other minor provisions. [HR 3009, Vote 130, 5/23/02] XXXX Voted Against Prohibiting Trade Agreements On Products Facing Trade Remedy Orders. In 2002, XXXX voted for an amendment that would amend the section of the Baucus/Grassley amendment giving the President authority to enter into agreements to reduce or eliminate duties, restrictions, or other barriers to trade by adding that this authority would not apply to any product that was the subject of an anti-dumping order or of a countervailing duty order. [HR 3009, Vote 123, 5/22/02] XXXX Voted For Cloture On A Measure To Grant The President Trade Promotion Authority. In 2002 XXXX voted to close debate on an amendment that would extend and expand the Andean Trade Preference Act, would provide the President Trade Promotion Authority (TPA; TPA was formerly referred to as Fast Track Authority), and would reauthorize and expand Trade Adjustment Assistance Programs, including by creating a new taxpayer-funded entitlement to pay 70 percent of the health insurance costs of workers adversely affected by trade and by creating a new taxpayer-funded entitlement to subsidize the wages of certain workers adversely affected by trade. [HR 3009, Vote 122, 5/22/02] XXXX Voted For Requiring Trade Agreements with Jordan be Negotiated Under Fast Track. In 2002, XXXX voted for an amendment “that would have required trade agreements negotiated under fast track to include a central provision in the U.S.- Jordan free trade agreement Congress endorsed last year [PL 107-43], which prohibits the countries from weakening their labor or environmental laws in order to facilitate trade.” [Senate HR 3009, Vote 115, 5/16/02; CQ Weekly, 05/18/02] XXXX Voted Against Requiring Parties to Fast-Track Trade Agreements to Uphold Basic Labor and Environmental Standards. In 2002, XXXX voted against requiring parties to trade pact agreements considered under fast-track procedures to uphold their domestic labor and environmental standards, under penalty of trade remedy laws. The amendment that XXXX opposed also said that countries enforcing international environmental agreements should be protected from trade-related penalties. [HR 3009, Vote 113, 5/15/02; Congressional Quarterly Daily Monitor, 5/15/02] TARIFFS XXXX Voted Against Raising Tariffs on Chinese Imports. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that imposed a 27.5 percent tariff on Chinese imports 180 days after enactment. The amendment allowed the President to delay implementation of the tariff if he determined that China was making significant progress in revaluing its 290

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