currency; and permitted removal of the tariff if the President certified that China had agreed to substantially revalue its currency to at, or near, fair market value. [Vote 86, 4/6/05] XXXX Voted to Suspend Hundreds of Tariffs. In 2004, XXXX voted to invoke cloture on the conference report on the bill that suspended duties on hundreds of specific imported goods, authorized reimbursement for duties on certain previously imported goods and made several technical corrections to trade laws. [Vote 214, 11/19/04] SANCTIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS XXXX Did Not Vote to Extend Sanctions On Myanmar. In June 2004, XXXX did not vote on a joint resolution that extended import restrictions on products from Myanmar for one year or until the president certified that the Myanmar government had made significant progress toward practicing democracy and ending human rights violations. [Vote 150, 6/24/04] XXXX Voted To Impose Trade Sanctions on Myanmar for Human Rights Violations. In 2003, XXXX voted for passage of a bill that would impose trade sanctions on exports from Myanmar, the country formerly known as Burma. Products would be prohibited from being imported into the United States and the regime’s assets in U.S. financial institutions would be frozen. The bill also would extend a current U.S. visa ban against members of the ruling military junta and would authorize President Bush to assist pro-democracy activities in that country. The president could lift sanctions by certifying that human rights and pro-democracy standards have been met. [HR 2330, Vote 280, 7/16/03] XXXX Voted to Place Trade Sanctions on Myanmar. In June 2003, XXXX voted for a bill that imposed trade sanctions on exports from Myanmar until the president certified the nation had made significant progress toward practicing democracy and ending human rights violations. [Vote 220, 6/11/03] XXXX Voted to Place Sanctions on Syria. In 2003, XXXX voted for a bill that would require the President to impose at least two sanctions on Syria. Sanctions could include barring U.S. exports and investment in Syria with the exception of food and medicine, freezing Syrian government assets in the United States, banning Syrian aircraft from U.S. airspace, reducing diplomatic contacts, and restricting the travel of Syrian diplomats. Any of the sanctions could be waived for national security reasons. The bill also would condemn Syrian involvement with terrorism and demand a withdrawal of Syrian forces from Lebanon. [Hr 1828, Vote 445, 11/11/03] XXXX Voted Against Requiring Presidential Certification That Cuba Was Not A Sponsor of Terrorism, Before Restrictions On Private Financing Trade Could Go Into Effect. In 2001, XXXX voted against an effort to restrict private financing of U.S. agricultural trade with Cuba. The amendment would require presidential certification that the government of Cuba was not a state sponsor of international terrorism before the restriction against the private financing of food and medicine sales to the government of Cuba would be permitted to go into effect. [S 1731, Vote 375, 12/18/01; National Journal’s Congress Daily, 12/19/01] XXXX Voted Against Promoting Human Rights And Democracy Provisions In Trade Negotiations. In 2002, XXXX voted against instructing U.S. trade officials to include the protection of human rights and democracy among their main negotiating goals. The amendment XXXX opposed would instruct United States negotiators when negotiating agreements covered by TPA to include provisions that would require parties to those agreements “to strive to protect internationally recognized civil, political, and human rights.” [HR 3009, 5/23/02, Vote 129; Congressional Quarterly Daily Monitor, 5/23/02] XXXX Voted To Extend Sanctions Against Iran And Libya. In 2001, XXXX voted for a bill that would modify and extend the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996 for 5 years, until 2006. Under the Act, sanctions were placed on foreign companies that invest in Iran's or Libya's petroleum industries. [S 1218, 7/25/01, Vote 251] XXXX Supported Sanctions Against China and other Nations For Selling Weapons of Mass Destruction. In September 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would provide for sanctions against China and other countries for selling illicit weapons of mass destruction. The proposal would establish an annual review process to 291

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