 “The amendment would have added service workers, made it easier for workers who lose their jobs because of trade with India and China to qualify for the program, increased the health insurance tax credit, and lowered the age minimum or wage insurance from 50 to 40.” [AP , 05/04/04] XXXX Opposed a TPA Pilot Wage Insurance Program. In 2002, XXXX voted for an amendment that would strike the 2-year pilot program that would subsidize the wages of certain workers who lost their jobs because of trade competition and subsequently took lower-paying jobs. “The wage insurance plan would help workers forced by trade to take lower-paying jobs by providing half the difference in the wages of their old and new jobs. The workers, who must be at least 50, could receive up to $5,000 a year. Those who accept the subsidy would lose other trade related retraining and health benefits. The two-year program would be capped at $50 million.” [CQ Monitor News, 05/16/02; HR 3009, Vote 114, 5/16/02] JOB TRAINING XXXX Opposed $678 Million for the Workforce Investment Act. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment to provide $678 million for the Workforce Investment Act, which provides funds for job training programs. [Vote 24, 1/23/03] XXXX Voted Against Increasing Workforce Training By $678 Million. In 2003, XXXX voted against increasing workforce training by $678 million, and offset the spending with a decrease in tax cuts. The vote was on an amendment that would increase spending on provisions of the Workforce Investment Act by $678 million. [Vote 102, 3/25/03] XXXX Voted For $20 Billion In Aid to States; Included Funding for Job Training. In 2003, XXXX voted for an amendment that would authorize $10 billion a year for two years for states and localities, including $5 billion a year for grants for education or job training, health care or other social services, transportation or infrastructure, and law enforcement or public safety. The remaining $5 billion per year would be for a temporary increase in federal Medicaid assistance to states. [Vote 157, 5/15/03; Congressional Record, 5/15/03] XXXX Voted to Rewarding Businesses for Providing Information Technology Training. In 1999, XXXX voted against a motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to permit consideration of the Conrad amendment to S.1429, which was an amendment to provide businesses with a partial tax credit for information technology training. [Vote 244, 7/30/99] OVERTIME XXXX Voted to Cut Overtime for 8 Million Middle-Class Workers. XXXX voted for the final FY04 Omnibus Appropriations bill, which stripped an earlier provision that would have blocked the new overtime rules after President Bush threatened a veto. [Vote 3, 1/22/04; Pioneer Press, 1/23/04] XXXX Voted Against Overtime Pay Protection. In 2004, XXXX and his GOP colleagues voted to invoke cloture on a corporate tax bill, thereby blocking a vote on a Democratic proposal to cancel a Labor Department rule on overtime pay that would strip the right of overtime pay for 8 million workers. [Vote 60, 3/24/04; CBS MarketWatch, 3/24/04] XXXX Voted to Take Away Overtime Pay for Millions of Workers. In 2004, XXXX voted against an amendment to ensure that no job with current overtime protection would lose this protection under new Bush administration regulations. [Vote 79, 5/4/04; Gannett News Service, 05/04/04] XXXX Voted Against An Amendment to Bar Bush Administration From Limiting Workers’ Eligibility for Overtime Pay. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would “bar the Bush administration from issuing new overtime pay rules that Democrats and organized labor said would take money from the pockets of millions of workers.” The amendment would prohibit funds from being used to promulgate or implement any regulation that would take away eligibility for overtime for any worker. The White House had raised the possibility of a veto if 229

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