Congress tried to block the rules. The AFL-CIO said that the changes could eliminate overtime pay for at least 8 million workers. [Vote 334, 9/10/03; AP, 9/10/03;;] XXXX Voted Against Overtime Pay. In 1997, XXXX voted to invoke cloture on S.4, which was a bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to allow private-sector employees to choose compensatory time off or flexible credit hour programs instead of overtime pay. [Vote 93, 6/4/97] XXXX Voted Against Overtime Pay. In 1997, XXXX voted to invoke cloture on S.4, which was a bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to allow private-sector employees to choose compensatory time or flexible credit hour programs instead of overtime pay. [Vote 68, 5/15/97] UNEMPLOYMENT XXXX Voted Against Extending Unemployment Benefits And Making Benefits Retroactive. In July 2010, XXXX voted against a Reid, D-Nev., motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment with a further Reid substitute amendment no. 4425 that would extend eligibility for extended federal unemployment insurance until Nov. 30, 2010, applied retroactively to June 2. [Vote 215, 7/21/10] XXXX Voted Against Extending Unemployment Benefits And Making Benefits Retroactive. In July 2010, XXXX voted against a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Reid, D-Nev., motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment with a further Reid substitute amendment no. 4425 that would extend eligibility for extended federal unemployment insurance until Nov. 30, applied retroactively to June 2. [Vote 209, 7/20/10] XXXX Did Not Vote On A Motion To Extend Unemployment Benefits And Extending Homebuyer Tax Credit. In June 2010, XXXX did not vote on a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Reid, D- Nev., motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment with a further Reid substitute amendment no. 4425 that would extend eligibility for extended federal unemployment insurance and the deadline for consumers to benefit from the homebuyer tax credit program. [Vote 204, 6/30/10] XXXX Voted Against Extending Unemployment Benefits. In June 2010, XXXX voted against a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Reid, D-Nev., motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment with a further Baucus substitute amendment no. 4386 that would extend several expired tax provisions, extend unemployment benefits and reverse a 21 percent payment cut to doctors under Medicare. Provisions other than the unemployment insurance extension would be offset. The offsets include provisions that would raise the per-barrel tax on oil to 49 cents. [Vote 200, 6/24/10] XXXX Did Not Vote On Extending Unemployment Benefits. In June 2010, XXXX did not vote on a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Baucus, D-Mont., motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment with a further Baucus substitute amendment no. 4369 that would extend several expired tax provisions, extend unemployment benefits and prevent a 21 percent payment cut to doctors under Medicare. Changes to doctors' payments under Medicare would be offset. It also would raise the per-barrel excise tax on oil to 49 cents. [Vote 194, 6/17/10] XXXX Voted Against Increased Medicare Payments To Doctors, Flood Insurance, And Extending Unemployment Benefits. In April 2010, XXXX voted against passage of the bill that would extend for two months federal unemployment benefits, flood insurance programs, increased payment rates to Medicare providers and COBRA health care premium assistance. It would provide for payment to certain previously furloughed transportation workers. It also would extend for one month certain satellite TV laws and small business lending programs. [Vote 117, 4/15/10] XXXX Voted Against Small Business Lending Programs, Extending Unemployment Benefits. In April 2010, XXXX voted against a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Baucus, D-Mont., substitute amendment no. 3721 that would extend for two months certain expired government programs, including 230

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