XXXX Voted Against Even Allowing Debate on Non-Binding Anti-Surge Resolution. XXXX voted against even allowing debate on a non-binding resolution to condemn Bush’s decision to deploy an additional 21,000 troops to Iraq. [Vote 51, 2/17/07] INTELLIGENCE XXXX Rejected Independent Commission on Prewar Intel. In October 2003, XXXX voted to kill a proposal that would have established a National Commission on the Development and Use of Intelligence Related to Iraq, an independent commission on pre-war intelligence that would build upon existing congressional inquiries. [Vote 395, 10/17/03; CQ Daily Monitor, 10/17/03] XXXX Rejected Independent Commission to Investigate Prewar Intel. In July 2003, XXXX voted to kill a proposal that would have established the National Commission on the Development and Use of Intelligence Related to Iraq, an independent bipartisan commission to investigate the intelligence used by the Bush administration to justify the war. The commission, which was rejected 51-45, would have examined whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and whether it had links to al-Qaeda. [Vote 284, 7/16/03; Knight Ridder, 7/17/03] XXXX Refused to Force Bush to File Prewar Intel Report. In July 2003, XXXX voted to kill a proposal that would have withheld $50 million in intelligence funding until President Bush submits a report about how the White House handled the prewar intelligence. [Vote 287, 7/17/03; AP, 7/17/03] RESOLUTIONS OF SUPPORT XXXX Voted for A Resolution Supporting The President And Troops In War Against Iraq. On March 20, 2003, XXXX voted for a resolution supporting the president and members of the armed forces in the conflict against Iraq. The resolution, “Commends and supports the efforts and leadership of the president, as commander in chief, in the conflict against Iraq.” [S Res 95, Vote 61, 3/20/03; Associated Press, 3/20/03] Robetrs Voted to Express Sense of Congress That Removal of Saddam Hussein Enhanced the Security of Israel and Other Allies. On October 15, 2003, XXXX voted to express the sense of Congress that the removal of Saddam Hussein enhanced the security of Israel and other U.S. allies. The vote was on a Graham, R-S.C., amendment (no. 1806) to the FY 2004 Supplemental for Iraq and Afghanistan that would express the sense of Congress that the removal of the government of Iraq under Saddam Hussein has enhanced the security of Israel and other U.S. allies. [S 1689, Vote 384, 10/15/03; Associated Press, 10/15/03] GENERAL FUNDING Robets Voted Against Withdrawing From Afghanistan By End Of 2014. In November 2012, XXXX voted against Merkley, D-Ore., amendment no. 3096 that would express the sense of Congress that security operations in Afghanistan should be transferred to the Afghanistan government by mid-summer 2013 and combat operations by U.S. troops should end no later than Dec. 31, 2014. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 62-33 (D 48-1; R 13- 31; I 1-1). [Vote 210, 11/29/12] XXXX Voted Against Iraq And Afghanistan Supplemental Appropriations. In July 2010, XXXX voted against a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Reid, D-Nev., motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to the bill that would provide $58.8 billion in supplemental funds for fiscal 2010, which would largely fund military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. It also would provide $22.8 billion in additional domestic spending. [Vote 219, 7/22/10] XXXX Opposed Iraq And Afghanistan War Supplemental Funding, Disaster Funding, And Funding To Compensate Veterans Exposed To Agent Orange. In May 2010, XXXX voted against passage of the bill that would provide $58.8 billion in supplemental funds for fiscal 2010, including $33.5 billion for the Defense 142
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