Department for the addition of 30,000 troops in Afghanistan, $3.6 billion for Afghan and Iraqi security forces and $4.9 billion for Defense Department procurement. It would provide $94 million for recovery efforts related to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It would provide $5.1 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to pay for costs of past disasters and $13.4 billion in mandatory funds to compensate Vietnam War veterans exposed to Agent Orange. [Vote 176, 5/27/10]  XXXX Opposed Iraq And Afghanistan War Supplemental Funding, Disaster Funding, And Funding To Compensate Veterans Exposed To Agent Orange. In May 2010, XXXX voted against a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the committee-reported substitute that would provide $58.8 billion in supplemental funds for fiscal 2010, including $33.5 billion for the Defense Department for the addition of 30,000 troops in Afghanistan, $3.6 billion for Afghan and Iraqi security forces and $4.9 billion for Defense Department procurement. It would provide $5.1 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to pay for costs of past disasters and $13.4 billion in mandatory funds to compensate Vietnam War veterans exposed to Agent Orange.” [Vote 171, 5/27/10] XXXX Supported Funding for Defense, the Wars, and a Pay Raise for the Troops. In December 2009, XXXX voted for a $636 billion Defense spending bill, the last of the fiscal 2010 appropriations measures. The bill would provide $508 billion for the Defense Department’s regular activities and $128.3 billion for war operations. It also contained a 3.4 percent pay raise for the military. The bill would appropriate $3.8 billion less for Defense programs than the president’s request but $11 billion more than the current level, which includes supplemental spending enacted in June. The bill passed 88-10. [CQ Today, 12/19/09; Vote 384, 12/19/09]  XXXX Voted Against Cloture on Funding for Defense, the Wars, and a Pay Raise for the Troops. In December 2009, XXXX voted against to invoking cloture on the bill (HR 3326) that would provide $508 billion for the Defense Department’s regular activities and $128.3 billion for war operations. Under the measure, the military would see a 3.4 percent pay increase, 0.5 percent more than the administration’s request. The motion to invoke cloture passed 63-33. [CQ Today, 12/18/09; Vote 381, 12/18/09] XXXX Supported Funding for Military Operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. In June 2009, XXXX voted for adopting the conference report on a $105.9 billion supplemental spending bill for military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and pandemic flu preparations. The bill included $79.9 billion for defense funding, $10.4 billion for foreign aid and stabilization programs and $7.7 billion to address potential pandemic flu. It would provide $534.4 million for $500 per month in additional pay to military personnel in extended enlistments, $5 billion related to International Monetary Fund activities and $1 billion for a program to encourage consumers to trade in their cars for new, more fuel-efficient vehicles. It also would bar the use of funds in the bill to release detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, into the United States. The bill passed 91-5. [Vote 210, 6/18/09]  XXXX Voted for Funding for Military Operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. In May 2009, XXXX voted for the second fiscal 2009 war supplemental bill, a $91.3 billion measure. It would provide $73 billion for the Department of Defense, $6.9 billion for state and foreign operations and $1.5 billion to address potential pandemic flu. It would provide $5 billion in budget authority for about $108 billion in funding for new commitments to the International Monetary Fund. It also would bar the use of funds in the bill to release detainees at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, into the United States. It would ban the disclosure of certain photographs related to the treatment of individuals detained by the U.S. military after Sept. 11, 2001 under the Freedom of Information Act. The bill passed 86-3. [Vote 202, 5/21/09] XXXX Voted For Supplemental Funding for War in Iraq, Unemployment Benefits, New GI Bill. In June 2006, XXXX voted for a war supplemental spending bill that would provide $165.4 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and $21 billion for domestic spending, including a major expansion of veterans' education benefits, a 13-week extension of unemployment and Midwestern flood aid. The bill passed 92-6. [CongressNow, 6/26/08; Vote 162, 6/26/08] 143

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