Washington Post: Not All Of “Clinton’s Political Allies” Who Were Given A Special Designation At The State Department Received Government Salaries. “State Department records show that a half- dozen of Clinton’s political allies were granted the special designation during her tenure. Not all of them received government salaries. But critics say abuse of the program could give private-sector firms unfair access to government information and internal deliberations.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: “More Than 100 People, Most With Expertise In Niche Areas Of Science And Global Affairs, Received [Special] Designation Each Year” Under Secretary Clinton. [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: Several News Organizations “Learned The Extent To Which Hillary Clinton Used The [Special Designation] Program” Under The Freedom Of Information Act. “Through a request under the Freedom of Information Act, several news organizations, including The Washington Post, have since learned the extent to which Hillary Clinton used the program.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: “A Former Campaign Manager, A Longtime Legal And Personal Adviser, A Former House Member Now Affiliated With A Group Backing A Clinton Presidential Bid, [And] A Former Pollster” Were Granted Special Designation Under Clinton. [Washington Post, 3/9/15]  Clinton Allies Granted Special Designation Included Huma Abedin, Maggie Williams, Jeremy Rosner, Jonathan Prince, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, And Cheryl Mills. “Aside from Abedin, Clinton political allies who were granted the special status included Maggie Williams, Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager; Jeremy Rosner, a former Clinton pollster; Jonathan Prince, a speechwriter for Bill and Hillary Clinton; Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a former Maryland lieutenant governor who is on the board of American Bridge, a left-leaning political operation that has defended Hillary Clinton against partisan attacks; and Cheryl Mills, a former White House deputy counsel and longtime adviser to Hillary Clinton.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: “Huma Abedin, A Clinton Confidante And Adviser Who Was Granted The Special Designation, Also Used The Private E-Mail System” Used By Secretary Clinton. “Grassley had sought e-mails and other documents from the State Department. But he didn’t know until last week that Clinton was exclusively using a private e-mail account that could contain relevant information about her use of the so-called ‘special government employee’ program. Huma Abedin, a Clinton confidante and adviser who was granted the special designation, also used the private e-mail system.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15]  Washington Post: In 2013, “It Became Public That Abedin Was Being Paid By The State Department While Also Working For An International Consulting Firm With Close Ties To Bill And Hillary Clinton.” “Questions about Clinton’s use of the special program were first raised in 2013, when it became public that Abedin was being paid by the State Department while also working for an international consulting firm with close ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15]  Washington Post: “In The Letter Abedin Wrote To The State Department In 2013, She Said Her Work At The Consulting Firm Teneo Was Unrelated To Anything Involving The Department.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] New York Times: Three Months After State Department Officials Described Abedin’s Special Designation As “Nothing Unusual…Questions About The Arrangement Persisted” And Basic Information About Her Employment Situation Had Not Been Released. “When news surfaced in May that the State Department had approved an arrangement that allowed Huma Abedin, a top adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, to take on work for private clients, officials at the department described it as nothing unusual. But three months later, questions about the arrangement persist, and the department has declined to provide some basic information about Ms. Abedin’s situation and those of other State Department employees who may have been given similar status.” [New York Times, 8/9/13] New York Times: The State Department Has Declined To Say What Role Mrs. Clinton Played In Approving The Arrangement By Which Huma Abedin Worked For The Clinton Foundation, The State Department, And Teneo Concurrently. “Ms. Abedin, 37, a confidante of Mrs. Clinton’s, was made

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