Washington Post: Grassley “Questioned Clinton’s Use Of A Program That Allowed Some Political Allies To Work For The Government While Pursuing Private-Sector Careers.” “Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the Judiciary Committee, had previously questioned Clinton’s use of a program that allowed some political allies to work for the government while pursuing private-sector careers.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: “Grassley And Other Critics Have Said Clinton’s Use Of The Special Employee Program Appeared Unusual.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: “Critics Say Abuse Of The [Special Employee Designation] Program Could Give Private-Sector Firms Unfair Access To Government Information And Internal Deliberations.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: Grassley Said That Some Clinton Aides “Were State Department Employees Who Launched Secondary Careers In The Private Sector While Remaining Tied To The Department.” “Some recipients were political advisers with limited State Department expertise. Others, Grassley said, appeared to have turned the program on its head: Instead of being outside experts brought in to assist the government, they were State Department employees who launched secondary careers in the private sector while remaining tied to the department.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Grassley: “The Public’s Business Ought To Be Public With Few Exceptions…When Employees Are Allowed To Serve The Government And The Private Sector At The Same Time And Use Private Email, The Employees Have Access To Everything And The Public, Nothing.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: Grassley Said He Will Press The State Department In The Coming Weeks ‘To Answer For Any Blurring Of The Lines Between Public And Private Service And Any Concealing Of The Blurred Lines Through Private Email.’” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: A Government Accountability Office Review Of The Special Designation Program Was In Progress, And As Of 2015 “No One Knows How Widely The Program Is Used Across The Government.” “No one knows how widely the program is used across the government. Grassley last year asked the Government Accountability Office to conduct a review. The assessment is not complete, but in the meantime, Grassley has focused his attention on Clinton and some of those who received the special designation under her leadership.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] CLINTON SPOKESMEN SAY HER USE OF SPECIAL DESIGNATION FOLLOWED RULES Washington Post: “Spokesmen For Clinton And The State Department Say Her Use Of The [Special Designation] Program Was Appropriate And Followed Government Rules.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: Clinton Spokesman Merrill On Grassley’s Claims That Clinton Misused State’s Special Employee Designation Program: “With All Due Respect, We Disagree.” “Asked to respond directly to Grassley’s concerns that Clinton may have misused the program, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill replied by e-mail: ‘With all due respect, we disagree.’” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] SIX OF CLINTON’S POLITICAL AIDES WERE GRANTED SPECIAL DESIGNATION AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT Washington Post: “State Department Records Show That A Half-Dozen Of Clinton’s Political Allies Were Granted The Special Designation During Her Tenure.” “State Department records show that a half-dozen of Clinton’s political allies were granted the special designation during her tenure. Not all of them received government salaries. But critics say abuse of the program could give private-sector firms unfair access to government information and internal deliberations.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15]

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