CNN: “Torn By Tribalism, Ruled By Two Rival Parliaments And With Hundreds Of Civilians Killed During The Subsequent Civil War, Libya Is Suffering A Complete Breakdown Of Political Authority, Which Has Spurred The Rise Of A Host Of Terror Groups.” “But when Gadhafi fell, he left a land of eviscerated political institutions ill-prepared for its sudden freedom. Torn by tribalism, ruled by two rival parliaments and with hundreds of civilians killed during the subsequent civil war, Libya is suffering a complete breakdown of political authority, which has spurred the rise of a host of terror groups.” [CNN, 6/8/15] CNN: Unrest In Libya Has “Spawned A Huge Refugee Crisis As Desperate Migrants Flee Across The Mediterranean On Overcrowded Boats.” “But when Gadhafi fell, he left a land of eviscerated political institutions ill-prepared for its sudden freedom…The unrest has also spawned a huge refugee crisis as desperate migrants flee across the Mediterranean on overcrowded boats.” [CNN, 6/8/15] CNN: “ISIS Is Seeking To Expand Its Franchise In Libya And To Grab A Foothold From Which It Could Export Terror Across The Mediterranean To Europe.” “ISIS is seeking to expand its franchise in Libya and to grab a foothold from which it could export terror across the Mediterranean to Europe. The surf literally ran with blood earlier this year when ISIS beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians in a show of brutality on a Libyan beach.” [CNN, 6/8/15] CNN: “While Some Experts Blame Libya's Interim Leaders Themselves For Not Doing Enough To Keep The Country Together After The War, Even Obama Admits That He Made Mistakes In Libya.” “While some experts blame Libya's interim leaders themselves for not doing enough to keep the country together after the war, even Obama admits that he made mistakes in Libya. In an interview with The New York Times last year, he defended the intervention but said he should have asked, ‘Do we have an answer for the day after?’” [CNN, 6/8/15] CNN: “For Clinton's Part, She Seemed To Indicate In Her Book ‘Hard Choices’ That She Knew All Along That Libya Would Face A Tough Road.” “For Clinton's part, she seemed to indicate in her book ‘Hard Choices’ that she knew all along that Libya would face a tough road. ‘I was worried that the challenges ahead would prove overwhelming for even the most well-meaning transitional leaders,’ Clinton wrote. ‘If the new government could consolidate its authority, provide security, use oil revenues to rebuild, disarm the militias, and keep extremists out, then Libya would have a fighting chance at building a stable democracy. ‘If not, then the country would face very difficult challenges translating the hopes of a revolution into a free, secure, and prosperous future. And, as we soon learned, not only Libyans would suffer if they failed.’” [CNN, 6/8/15] CNN: “Clinton Has Little Choice But To Own What Happened In Libya. An Email To Clinton In April 2012 From Her Former Top Adviser Jake Sullivan, Released Last Month, Appears To Show That Initially Her Aides Were Keen To Trumpet Her Role In The Intervention And Saw It As Legacy- Enhancing.” [CNN, 6/8/15] Jake Sullivan In April 2012: Secretary Clinton “Has Been A Critical Voice On Libya In Administration Deliberations, At NATO, And In Contact Group Meetings -- As Well As The Public Face Of The U.S. Effort In Libya.” [CNN, 6/8/15] Jake Sullivan In April 2012: Secretary Clinton “Was Instrumental In Securing The Authorization, Building The Coalition, And Tightening The Noose Around Qadhafi And His Regime.” [CNN, 6/8/15] CNN: Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates Also Describes [Secretary Clinton’s] Pivotal Role In The Decision Making In His Memoir. “Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates also describes her pivotal role in the decision making in his memoir. Gates said the intervention, which he initially opposed, split the administration down the middle, with heavy hitters such as Vice President Joe Biden and national security adviser Tom Donilon also against…‘In the final phase of the internal debate, Hillary threw her considerable clout behind Rice, Rhodes and Power,’ Gates wrote.” [CNN, 6/8/15]