University Of Texas Public Affairs Professor On Chaos In Libya: “We Haven't Gotten The Full Story Yet, But From Everything We Do Know, It Appears That Without [Secretary Clinton’s] Advocacy For This Intervention, It Wouldn't Have Happened.” “Clinton's prominent role in the decision making on Libya was a political risk at the time, and it now threatens to return to haunt her four years on. ‘We haven't gotten the full story yet, but from everything we do know, it appears that without her advocacy for this intervention, it wouldn't have happened,’ said Alan Kuperman of the Lyndon B. Johnson school of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, who has studied the causes and outcome of the Libya operation.” [CNN, 6/8/15] CNN: “Some Critics Now Question Whether The Administration, Presumably Working From Intelligence Provided By Rebels, Miscalculated On Gadhafi's Intentions…[And] Did Not Do Enough To Consider The Consequences Of An Operation That Ended Up Toppling Gadhafi.” “Some critics now question whether the administration, presumably working from intelligence provided by rebels, miscalculated on Gadhafi's intentions. And they say that the administration did not do enough to consider the consequences of an operation that ended up toppling Gadhafi. ‘If you were going to break this place, it was going to require enormous resources to keep it together,’ Kuperman said. ‘It would have required an occupation force, and it was clear that the U.S. did not have the stomach for that.’” [CNN, 6/8/15] University Of Texas Public Affairs Professor On Secretary Clinton’s Role In Libya: “She Screwed Up." “Clinton's prominent role in the decision making on Libya was a political risk at the time, and it now threatens to return to haunt her four years on. ‘We haven't gotten the full story yet, but from everything we do know, it appears that without her advocacy for this intervention, it wouldn't have happened,’ said Alan Kuperman of the Lyndon B. Johnson school of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, who has studied the causes and outcome of the Libya operation…He concluded: ‘Did she screw up? Yes, she screwed up.’" [CNN, 6/8/15] National Security Advisor To Clinton And Obama Derek Chollet: I Think That It Is Tempting Always In Hindsight To Say Libya Would Be Better Somehow If We Had Not Intervened… I Think That Is A Highly Dubious Proposition.” “But one U.S. official involved with the planning of the Libya engagement defended Clinton's position. ‘I think that it is tempting always in hindsight to say Libya would be better somehow if we had not intervened,’ said Derek Chollet, a close national security adviser to Clinton and Obama at the time of the Libya operation. ‘I think that is a highly dubious proposition. It is one where, had we not intervened, the conversation we would be having is thousands and thousands of people died and Libya looks like Syria.’” [CNN, 6/8/15]

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