recollection of events in New Jersey in the hours after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks flies in the face of all the evidence we could find. We rate this statement Pants on Fire.” [Politifact, 11/22/15] OFFENSIVE AND INSENSITIVE COMMENTS ON MINORITY GROUPS ON HISPANICS AND LATINOS Trump On Immigrants Crossing The Border From Mexico: “They Are Bringing Drugs And They Are Bringing Crime, They’re Rapists.” “When Mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. They are not sending you. They are not sending you. They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us, they are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some are good people, and I speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting. It only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It's coming all over south and Latin America and it's coming probably, probably from the Middle East, but we don't know because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what is happening and it has got to stop and it has to stop fast.” [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Announcement, 6/16/15] ON AFRICAN AMERICANS 1991: Trump: “Laziness Is A Trait In Blacks.” [Gawker, 7/24/15] 1991: Trump: “Black Guys Counting My Money! I Hate It. The Only Kind Of People I Want Counting My Money Are Short Guys That Wear Yarmulkes Every Day.’’ TRUMP: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.’’ [Gawker, 7/24/15] Trump: “And When Obama Gets 95 Percent Of The Black Vote, Is That Racist?” HANNITY: “But isn't it a danger on his part, class warfare, and more importantly, the Democratic Party has been attacking the Tea Party conservatives as racist, you know, Maxine Waters, the consecutive Tea Party movement can go straight to hell. One congressman says that conservatives want black people hanging from trees. They double down on insane rhetoric. The president has wrapped his arms twice now around the Occupy Wall Street crowd? And is there a danger.” TRUMP: “I think the race card is such a horrible thing. And I've been watching it more and more lately. And I think it's disgraceful. And when Obama gets 95 percent of the black vote, is that racist? I mean, you know, does anybody have ever mention that? He gets 95 percent of the vote. And I see your compatriots, your announcers saying yes, he got 95 percent of the black vote but this wasn't a racial thing. They like his policy. That's a lot of crap. But he's creating a racial divide and I think he's doing it on purpose and I think it's a very unfair thing and it's a very bad thing.” [Hannity, Fox News, 10/18/11] Trump Said That He “Had A Good Relationship With The Blacks.” LEMON: “What about the comment you said when you referred to the blacks that you had a good relationship with the blacks, do you understand how some people will take that phrasing?” TRUMP: Some people do and some people don't. I mean I've heard it both ways. It is something that I said. And I think I have had many people say there was absolutely nothing wrong with that comment.” [Newsroom, CNN, 5/1/11] When Asked If He Was Perpetuating African- American Stereotypes, Trump Said “I Don't Know What You Mean By Stereotypes.” TRUMP: “Well, I really have to go, but I Confidential Page 161

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