want to tell you I am the least racist. I am a wonderful person as far as you would be concerned as to race. And I think everybody that knows me knows that.” LEMON: Are you aware of the stereotypes about African-Americans? Are you?” TRUMP: “Well, I don't know what you mean by stereotypes. Why don't you define that a little bit in greater detail?” LEMON: “The stereotypes that take place in America about African- Americans, one is that they are not as smart as whites. And when you talk about someone like the President and you challenge whether or not he has an education or deserve to go to Ivy League schools, you're talking -- you're bringing up, you're promoting one of those stereotypes about African-Americans.” [Newsroom, CNN, 5/1/11] • Trump Called Accusations That He Was Racist “Ridiculous.” LEMON: “The stereotypes that take place in America about African- Americans, one is that they are not as smart as whites. And when you talk about someone like the President and you challenge whether or not he has an education or deserve to go to Ivy League schools, you're talking -- you're bringing up, you're promoting one of those stereotypes about African-Americans. And as someone running for president of the country, which means everyone, then wouldn't you be sensitive to those issues in the culture?” TRUMP: “It certainly does mean everyone, and it means everyone to me. As far as I'm concerned, the President is a very smart man. And I think a comment about racism is ridiculous as it applies to me. And people that know me laugh at it. They think it is so stupid. I mean it is a ridiculous statement and is certainly ridiculous as it applies to me.” [Newsroom, CNN, 5/1/11] Trump Often Used The Phrase “Silent Majority” Which Historically Was Seen As A Racial Dog Whistle. “In a press conference after a rally in South Carolina on Thursday, Donald Trump insisted that there is a ‘silent majority [who] wants this country to have victories again.’ It's not the first time Trump has used that phrase -- ‘silent majority.’… As far back as July, Trump was using the phrase. ‘The country is fed up with what's going on,’ he said at the time. ‘You know, in the old days they used the term 'silent majority.' We have the silent majority back, folks.’ Trump's use of that term is 1) 100 percent on purpose and 2) decidedly controversial. For many, the ‘silent majority’ is a not-so-subtle reference to white people who need/want to take ‘their’ culture and country back. And, the argument goes, they would be taking it back from those who aren't white.” [Washington Post, 8/27/15] Donald Trump Was Criticized For Retweeting – In Response To A Twitter Thread About His Support From White Supremacists – A Graphic Containing Statistics Purporting To Show That The Vast Majority Of Murdered Black People Are Killed By Other Black People. “Donald Trump is taking heat on social media for a Sunday afternoon tweet of statistics purporting to show that the vast majority of murdered black people in the U.S. are killed by other black people. The tweet was apparently Trump’s response to a Twitter thread about support from white supremacists for the GOP front-runner. … The image Trump posted includes a list of ‘USA Crime Statistics ~ 2015.’ The two that are highlighted are ‘Blacks Killed by Police ~~ 1%’ and ‘Blacks Killed by Blacks ~~ 97%.’ A drawing of a black man wielding a sideways pistol and wearing army pants, military boots and a bandana and mask accompanies the statistics, which are sourced to the ‘Crime Statistics Bureau’ in San Francisco. … Indeed, an initial search to confirm the numbers couldn’t turn up a ‘Crime Statistic Bureau’ in San Francisco.” [The Hill, 11/22/15] Donald Trump Did Not Believe There Was Racism On The University Of Missouri Campus, And Said The Demands Of Student Protesters Were “Crazy” And Confidential Page 162

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