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HEADLINE: “Donald Trump’s Spectacular, Unending, Utterly Baffling, Often- Wrong Campaign Launch.” [Washington Post, 6/16/15] USA Today: “Trump Claimed That Economic Growth Has ‘Never’ Been Below Zero Until Last Quarter's Drop, Which Is Far From True. It Has Been Below Zero 42 Times Since 1946.” [USA Today, 6/16/15] USA Today: “[Trump] Said ‘There Are No Jobs’ To Be Had. In Fact, There Were 5.4 Million Job Openings Recorded At The End Of April, The Most In 15 Years.” [USA Today, 6/16/15] USA Today: “[Trump] Said The ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is ‘Anywhere From 18 To 20%’ And ‘Maybe Even 21%.’ We See No Factual Basis For This Opinion.”[USA Today, 6/16/15] USA Today: “[Trump] Boasted He Would Have Blocked New Ford Plants In Mexico By Threatening To Impose A 35% Tax On Vehicles And Parts Made In Mexico And Shipped To The U.S. But Only Congress Can Impose Taxes And Such A Tax Would Violate The North American Free Trade Agreement.”[USA Today, 6/16/15] USA Today: “Trump Claimed The Five Taliban Leaders Exchanged For Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl ‘Are Now Back On The Battlefield Trying To Kill Us.’ But All Five Remain In Qatar, Where They Continue To Be Monitored And Are Subject To A Travel Ban, According To The State Department.”[USA Today, 6/16/15] USA Today: “[Trump] Also Made The Misleading Claim That Health Care Premium Costs Are Going ‘Up 29, 39, 49 And Even 55%.’ He's Talking About Some Proposed Rate Increases On The Individual Market That Still Need Regulatory Approval. There Are Also Proposed Rate Decreases Or Single-Digit Increases That Did Not Have To Be Submitted For Review.” [USA Today, 6/16/15] POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY CHANGING PARTY ID Over The Years, Trump Was A Registered With The Republican Party, The Independence Party, The Democratic Party, And Was Unaffiliated. “Mr. Trump registered in New York as a Republican in 1987, switched to the Independence Party in 1999, became a Democrat in 2001, returned to the Republican Party in 2009, gave up his party affiliation in 2011 and came back to the GOP in 2012.” [Wall Street Journal, 12/10/15] In 2004, Trump Said That He Identified More As A Democrat. BLITZER: “Do you identify more as a Democrat or a Republican?” TRUMP: “Well, you'd be shocked if I said that in many cases I probably identify more as a Democrat. And I think you would probably be shocked at that.” [Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 3/19/04] Confidential Page 206

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