not. I'd rather just discuss the issues, but certainly I don't want to attack,’ Trump said on ABC's ‘Good Morning America.’…’I hope we can keep it on a high level,’ Trump told Breitbart. ‘If that doesn't happen, I'm willing to go to the other route. But I will say the two people who hit me really hard both went down in the polls.’” [The Hill, 8/5/15] STAFFING PROBLEMS Trump’s Campaign Falsely Claimed That Aaron Borders Had No Connection To Trump’s Campaign. “Donald Trump’s presidential campaign ended its relationship with an Arizona-based politico Tuesday evening after BuzzFeed News asked about Islamophobic Facebook posts he wrote and racially charged Facebook posts about Barack and Michelle Obama. Asked by BuzzFeed News about Aaron Borders, who identified himself on various social media profiles and his LinkedIn as Trump’s Arizona state director, the Trump campaign originally falsely denied that he had any connection to the campaign. But audio recordings provided by Borders to BuzzFeed News show Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski informing Borders of the campaign’s intent to hire him. In a second recording, Lewandowski tells Borders that he is going to fire him over the Facebook posts, and in a third recording delivers a threat ‘to sue your fucking ass to next year.’ Trump fired a longtime aide last week after Business Insider unearthed racially charged Facebook posts.” [BuzzFeed, 8/5/15] • Borders Was The Second Trump Staffer To Be Fired In A Week For Racially Insensitive Facebook Posts. “Borders is the second person associated with the Trump campaign to be cut off this week for posts on Facebook, after Sam Nunberg, an adviser, was fired following the unearthing of a 2007 post in which he wrote about calling Al Sharpton’s daughter ‘N——-!’.” [BuzzFeed, 8/5/15] POLLING Donald Trump: “How Often Do You See That The Polls Are Wrong? Not Too Often.” TRUMP: “I’m a believer in polls. I only like them because I’ve been number one for 100 days now, in a row, which is pretty good. But I am a believer in polls. I mean, how often do you see that the polls are wrong? Not too often. You know, you go out and you see elections and somebody is scheduled to win by four, and they win by three-and-a-half or five. But they, you don’t usually see where they…and his [Biden’s] polling numbers were not great. And I’m actually happy about it because I’d actually rather run against Hillary. I think beating Hillary on her record will not be very difficult. Her record has been atrocious.” [Capital Download, USA Today, 10/22/15; VIDEO] According To PPP’s Tom Jensen, A Trump Employee Placed “Non-Stop Calls” Trying To Get PPP To Place Trump In Its Polls. “This time, the real estate on a polling questionnaire is precious — and reserved for serious contenders. Two national pollsters said Trump’s representatives had complained to them about his exclusion from their surveys, including PPP’s Jensen, who described ‘non-stop calls’ from a Trump employee. ‘We even had a conversation with her, and she still kept calling,’ he said.” [Politico, 5/13/15] DISHONESTY Confidential Page 205

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