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UzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0NDkwNTk3NjIsImVtYWlsIjoicGV0ZXJzb25rQGR uYy5vcmciLCJpZCI6NTA4NTcsImRvd25sb2FkYWJsZSI6dHJ1ZX0.ry9rrrL POA3-Fn47ITdtTZfP_WggCKEdFaA2tGP7Z_E&start=00:12:43VIDEO] Donald Trump Said That The “Black Lives Matter” Protester Who Interrupted His Rally Was “So Obnoxious And So Loud” That “Maybe He Should Have Been Roughed Up.” “Donald Trump said Sunday that the protester who interrupted his rally at a convention center here on Saturday morning was ‘so obnoxious and so loud’ that ‘maybe he should have been roughed up.’ Mercutio Southall Jr. — a well- known local activist who has been repeatedly arrested while fighting what he says is unfair treatment of blacks — interrupted Trump’s rally and could be heard shouting, ‘Black lives matter!’ … ‘Get him the hell out of here, will you, please?’ Trump said on Saturday morning. ‘Get him out of here. Throw him out!’” [Washington Post, politics/wp/2015/11/22/black-activist-punched-at-donald-trump-rally-in- birmingham/11/22/15; Fox and Friends Sunday, Fox News, 11/22/15; UzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0NDkwNTk5NTMsImVtYWlsIjoicGV0ZXJzb25rQG RuYy5vcmciLCJpZCI6ODk0MzUsImRvd25sb2FkYWJsZSI6dHJ1ZX0.Qsc9 u6OPvgMnHbGICENDhcdXipnV8j-UXFvc- L01HGg&start=00:11:36VIDEO] Voting Trump Claimed That President Obama’s Anti-Voter Id Stance Rights Was “Wrong.” “He @JamesOkeefelll proves once again why @BarackObama's anti voter ID stance is wrong (cont)” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, /10/12[15] ] Paychec Trump: “I Treat Women No Differently Than I Treat The Men k Who Work For Me.” “On The Apprentice, I was always pointing out the Fairnes business skills of women. Talk to any of the women who worked for me and s they will all tell you the same thing—I am a tough, demanding boss. I reward success and I penalize failure. I treat women no differently than I treat the men who work for me. I give women the responsibility they earn with their performance, I pay them the same, promote them accordingly, and, when they mess up, fire them the same.” [Trump, Crippled America, p.116, 11/3/15[16] ] In Response To A Question Asking How He Would Ensure Equal Pay For Women, Donald Trump Said He Pays Women “More Than Men, For Similar Work Because They Are Better,” But That When The Government Says “’Everybody Gets Equal Pay’ You Get Away From The Whole American Dream, You Get Away From Capitalism In A Sense.” “You can give the politically correct Confidential Page 226

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