JIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0NDcwMjkyMDksImVtYWlsIjoicGV0ZXJzb25rQ GRuYy5vcmciLCJpZCI6ODQ0MDQsImRvd25sb2FkYWJsZSI6dHJ1ZX0.sp _2RQb5KAxGyR- HjIISGqp5lpxOOUlmCQ8gJR22z2c&start=00:05:55AUDIO] Excepti Trump Supported Abortion Ban Exceptions In Cases Of Rape, ons for Incest Or The Health Of The Mother. “Business mogul Donald Trump Rape went on a media blitz Tuesday morning, making back-to-back appearances and on Fox and CNN as he sought to tamper down the controversy over his spat Incest with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly… But he believes abortion ban exceptions should be made in cases of rape, incest or compromised health of the mother. ‘I am for the exceptions. You have the three exceptions, I am for the exceptions. … I absolutely am for the exceptions, and so was Ronald Reagan for the exceptions, by the way. There’s nothing wrong with that, you have to do it, in my opinion,’ he said on CNN.” [Washington Post, are-the-top-lines-from-donald-trumps-morning-media-blitz/8/11/15; New Day, CNN, 8/11/15; UzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0NDcwMjk0NjYsImVtYWlsIjoicGV0ZXJzb25rQGR uYy5vcmciLCJpZCI6NTAyMTMsImRvd25sb2FkYWJsZSI6dHJ1ZX0.SnpL 4l2cEwZErEjW5XIV7vR8at0Q3_Apdto1GXCAw_A&start=00:07:26VIDEO] Planned Parenth ood Shootin g CIVIL RIGHTS Black Trump On Black Lives Matters Activists: “I Don’t Know If I’ll Lives Do The Fighting Myself, Or If Other People Will.” “Sanders was Matter due to speak to a crowd of thousands at Westlake Park on Saturday afternoon but was interrupted by protesters affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement shortly after taking the stage. He eventually left without saying a word to his supporters. ‘That will never happen with me,’ Trump exclaimed, also suggesting he would get into a physical altercation with the protesters in order to prevent a similar disruption. ‘I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself, or if other people will, but that was a disgrace,’ Trump added. ‘I felt badly for him, but it showed that he’s weak.’” [The Hill, letting-black-lives-matter-shut-down-rally8/11/15; Donald Trump press conference, Birch Run MI, 8/11/15; Confidential Page 225

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